The Price Is Not Always Right

“Necessity may be the mother of invention, but some of these marketing companies are nothing more than deadbeat dads,” remarked U.S. Senator Joe Lieberman (I-CT), a former Connecticut attorney general who chaired a hearing on invention marketing scams in 1994, the last Congressional hearing to date on the subject.
Lieberman told those attending the Government Affairs Subcommittee on Regulation and Government Information …
They praise all inventions, even those that stand no chance of being brought to market. They paint a rosy picture of huge profits, then do little or nothing to make that dream come true. They say they will make their money from royalties off the sale of the invention, when in reality their profits come from the inventor’s up-front fee. And just when the inventor thinks the company is going to get rolling on their behalf, he or she has just been rolled, and the company has moved on to the next victim.

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