If You Cannot Get to the North Pole …

So where do you conduct research to validate your ideas? Go shopping! Walmart is the leading toy retailer in the USA, with 4,500 stores. Toys R Us is another excellent hunting ground. But Walmart has sent a message that it will cut the number of toys it buys and will replace toys with food products and electronics. Target also says it will reduce its selection of toys. Online research is okay to a point, but I like to touch and feel products, and that’s best accomplished at retail.
Some stores specialize in used toys. These are wonderful places to find older products you can cannibalize for parts for building prototypes. eBay is also a great source of old toys, if you know what you need.
Inventions Wanted
Have an idea how to use video games to become healthier and more active? Best Buy and Electronic Arts (in association with By Kids For Kids and the United Inventors Association) sponsor Invent-A-Game. Winners receive an EE Series Savings Bond worth $10,000 at maturity. Go to www.bkfk.com/games for details. The 2009 winner was 17-year-old Dan Slutz for his game Rhythm!, a music-based platform game where players battle evil forces utilizing various musical styles as weapons to advance, conquer, and defeat their enemies.

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