Truth in Packaging—Caveat Emptor

Be especially careful when selecting a national organization. I have found some organizations that are nothing more than wolves (invention marketing companies) in sheep’s clothing. The Internet has made it especially easy for unscrupulous vultures with harpy talons to ambush naive inventors. But if you look hard, they are the same old birds of prey. Their con is to get as much money from you as they can without having to deliver any moneymaking results. They’ll sell you marketing reports, patent work, insurance, self-published books, ads, expo booths, and even T-shirts. I found one inventor service company running a museum for inventions. They don’t, however, deliver wise counsel, honest industry, or the kinds of personal contacts that get inventions licensed.
If you missed my message about such detestable peeps, go to Chapter 2 right now.
If they cannot get your money one way, they’ll get it in another way. And the money and what the organization is selling usually gives this away.

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