Before You Contract for Services …

Here are some things to do before you sign on with an invention marketer or agent:
◆ Question any claims and assurances that your invention will make money. No one can guarantee your invention’s success.
◆ Investigate the company before you commit. Call the BBB, the USPTO, and the attorney general in your state and in the state where the company is headquartered. Ask if there are any unresolved consumer complaints about the firm. According to Elizabeth Tucci, senior trial attorney for the FTC’s Division of Enforcement, Bureau of Consumer Protection, any complaints filed with the FTC are maintained in a confidential database used for law enforcement purposes.
◆ Be sure your contract contains all the terms you agreed to—verbal and written—before you sign. Hire an attorney to review the agreement.
Remember, once a dishonest company has your money, you’ll likely never see it again.
The BBB has a cooperative agreement with the FTC. To find the closest BBB where you can file a complaint against a local invention marketing company, go to Or contact the Council of Better Business Bureaus, 4200 Wilson Boulevard Blvd., Suite 800, Arlington, VA 22203-1838; 703-276-0100; fax: 703- 525-8277. In Canada, contact the Canadian Council of Better Business Bureaus, 2 St. Clair Avenue, East Toronto, ON M4T 2T5.
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