How Do They Get Your Name?

Odds are, if you’ve been awarded a patent, you’ve received an unsolicited letter that began with the fateful words, “Dear Inventor: A number of manufacturers have invited us to send them descriptions of your invention.”
I can always tell when a patent is about to issue. Mailers from invention marketing companies flood my post office box. Often three or four will come from the same company on the same day. They are a harbinger of a new patent much as the robin is of spring.
Bright Ideas
Patent leather got its name because the process of applying a polished black finish to leather was patented.
When a patent issues, notice of it is automatically carried in the Official Gazette of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. This publication has come out weekly since 1872. It’s mailed to subscribers and put on sale every Tuesday. The Official Gazette tells its readers the name, city, and state of residence of the applicant, with the mailing address in the case of unassigned patents, the patent number, title of invention, and lots of other information. The invention marketing companies use this information to help them appear to have given great consideration to your invention.
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