Part 3
Getting High Marks
American business depends on innovation and creative thought. Free enterprise is always dissatisfied with the status quo. It wants the biggest, the best, and the newest. We are a “throwaway” society. And like the oyster that is irritated by a grain of sand, America frequently produces priceless pearls. This gives inventors a target-rich environment for capital and licensing opportunities.
In Part 3, I discuss the advantages and disadvantages between large and small companies, public versus private. I follow this with pointers on how to get critical background information on each of these business models.
I also explain opportunities you may not have considered. For example, today’s companies are risk-averse when it comes to new product introductions, but they feel warm and fuzzy extending their stable of evergreens. In such cases, brand equity trumps innovation.
Even with the best and most accurate information, there are no guarantees—just opportunities. In Part 3, you will learn how to take your best shots, make the pitch, and, if you strike a nerve, close the deal.
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