Part 1
How to Get Your Great Ideas on the Road
There’s nothing more difficult, more risky, or more uncertain than to be a change-ready individual. Change makes people nervous. It brings in elements of the unknown. I call uncompromising people the Gottas. Gotta do it this way. Gotta do it that way. Well, this section is, in part, about how not to let the Gottas get you.
These chapters are designed to tighten your mental bolts, fill your tanks with verbal fuel, and rev your self-confidence until it redlines and sends you out full throttle to meet and win over strangers—and build lasting relationships.
Along the way, you can expect to be ambushed by road pirates who attempt to pull you over and steal your money and intellectual property. Part 1 shows you how to avoid them.
Finally, you will learn the advantages and disadvantages of licensing your invention, vis-à-vis seeking venture capital to commercialize it.
Ready? Engine purring? If so, buckle up, release the brake, and prepare yourself for an exciting ride.
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