The Corporate Culture

The people most successful at getting through the door and building relationships are those with previous corporate experience, because they can relate to and empathize with executives. The corporate culture is quite different from anything most independent inventors have ever experienced. It is rife with dynamic inaction and optimization of the status quo. As author James Boren put it, people in bureaucracies can devitalize ideas with deft thrusts of yesbuttisms and forthright avoidisms.
If an executive does not return your calls, don’t take it personally. He or she is probably on overload. Your time will come. Many amateur inventors take this personally. If someone who has become a close friend tries to hammer you in a deal, don’t take it to heart. This person is just following orders. Time and time again, those with whom I am closest are sent in to do battle.
People who have not worked in executive management usually do not have a clue what corporate types have to deal with on a daily basis. It isn’t easy, and the last thing they want is some inventor who thinks there is a troll under every bridge.

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