I Do Not Have All the Answers

I could never possibly address all the issues you may face and how they relate to your invention and industry. Every case is different. Contracts are crafted by the winds of change and the waters of time. No contract is 100 percent bulletproof. But there are common denominators to agreements, and I have attempted to break out a few of them for you in these pages. If I am missing something, hopefully you’ll find it addressed in the sample agreement in Appendix B. If I missed an issue, please drop me a line care of my publisher. I am always open to suggestions and new ways to approach licensing.
Notable Quotables
If a contract is good, it gathers dust on the shelf. If you need to keep looking at it, you’re in trouble.
—Jason Smolen, Esq., Smolen and Plevy, P.C.
I have never seen a perfect contract from either the licensor’s or licensee’s point of view. The smartest and most experienced businesspeople and lawyers let things slip. Contracts are ultimately only as good as the people who sign them. Some people see a contract negotiation as a fight. I prefer to view it as a ritual dance. And I am most happy when my dance card is full. (Wow! That metaphor certainly dates me.)
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