Part 4
Goin’ for the Gold
On April 10, 1790, President George Washington signed the bill that laid the foundation of the modern patent system. In the 220 years since the ink on that bill dried, the patent system has encouraged and nurtured the genius of countless inventors.
Part 4 covers how we benefit from patents, trademarks, trade secrets, and copyrights, also known as intellectual property (ip). This content is not meant to take the place of advice from competent patent counsel, but to familiarize you with ways to protect your ip. It will also hopefully save you headaches and money.
After reading Part 4 you will be better equipped to defend yourself when discussing your ideas with prospective licensees and/or investors, and dazzle them a bit, too, with esoteric trivia, facts, and convincing repartee. Last, but far from least, Part 4 seeks to impress upon you the importance of patent attorneys. And if you can’t tell a good patent counsel from a bad one, I provide some guidance.
Pay the tolls to protect your ip, and follow professional advice. It will bring down your cost per mile and lessen the wear and tear on you.
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