II. Financial Risks

This category includes cash flow, liquidity, budgetary requirements, tax obligations, creditor and debtor management, direct capital markets effects, remuneration, and other general account management concerns.

Credit Risk

Also known as default risk. In broad terms, the risk that a loss will be incurred if a counterparty does not fulfill its financial obligations in a timely manner.

Market Risk

Exposure to potential loss that results from changes in market prices or rates.

Traded Market Risk

Associated with the potential of loss in the trading portfolio.

Nontraded Market Risk

Associated with the potential of loss due to market forces but associated with the structural financial position of the firm, rather than the trading portfolio.

Liquidity Risk

The risk of loss as a result of a lack of market liquidity, preventing quick or cost-effective liquidation of products, positions, or portfolios. It also is associated with the inability to cover obligations due to the lack of liquidity.

Interest Rate Risk

The potential for loss associated with changes in interest rates. In the case of nontraded interest rate risk, this is associated with changes in assets or payment flows (in or out).
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