Things to Remember

Risk management might seem like an exclusive process, a self-sustaining piece to add to an existing business, akin to a new division or product brand. It is not. Risk management does not occur in a vacuum; it is integrated into your organization, business, or project. For that reason, it is important to understand how it relates to every segment of the business, the objectives it is trying to serve, and the scope of the activity.
This process must always show positive value to the business—in terms of operational flow, productivity, and financial return. Even in a compliance context, where risk management is mandated, it should still seek to add business value. Risk must add value to the activity and value to the business and become an invisible (but mighty!) supportive arm. It should never become a burden.
Red Flags
While you must know, manage, and mitigate your risks, you must also be aware of both their relative and actual sizes. Beware of spending thousands of dollars (or more) thwarting a risk that has little chance of harming your company. The consequences can be rough, in terms of both cash flow and the impact on sales, services, and production caused by tying up employees and resources.
The challenge in risk management is achieving a balance—striking the right level of integration with the business. You will know when you achieve that balance, because the process will become indispensable to each part of the business to which it is connected. Ultimately, a well-run risk management process can become a critical function for running the business on a day-to-day basis.

The Least You Need to Know

◆ The risk management process integrates with the targeted areas of your business. It is not a separate activity.
◆ The risk management process establishes an iterative approach that leads to routine review and continuous improvement.
◆ Understanding the context of the risk management plan you are building helps focus your efforts and increases the probability of a successful implementation.
◆ When dealing with risk, you must communicate with every key stakeholder in your company.
◆ When developing your risk management plan, be sure to tailor your reporting to your audiences.
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