Appendix E
Sample Purchase Contract
I In this appendix, you’ll find a sample real estate contract from New Jersey. You and the seller sign this contract once you have agreed to all the terms of your offer. Although most of the clauses in this contract are standard in any state, your state may have additional or different clauses. This is just to show you what a real estate contract may look like. If you have any questions regarding your own purchase contract, ask your real estate salesperson.
Remember that the actual home-buying process may be a bit more involved than just signing the contract. For example, if your offer is not completely rejected by the seller, she may return a counteroffer noting what she agrees to and what she wants to change. You can accept these changes and proceed to a signed contract, or you can counter her counteroffer. This can go back and forth as many times as you and the seller feel necessary until you reach agreement or give up and move on. Each time you counter, you (or the seller) will sign the offer, noting that the seller’s signature is subject to agreement on the newest counteroffer. When you finally reach complete agreement, you and the seller will sign the contract, which will include the counteroffers. We covered this process in more detail in Chapter 13.
Provided by Scott A. Breyer, marketing and sales associate at Walter R. Breyer Real Estate Co. in Bergen County, New Jersey (
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