Executive Summary Checklist

An executive summary should summarize your entire proposal, including …
• A one-sentence statement about the program for which you are applying and the grant amount you seek.
• Mention of any grant history with this funder.
• A highly condensed context paragraph pointing out your charity’s qualifications for carrying out this program.
• A one-paragraph description of the program, including the program’s main activities, goals, who will run the program, and anticipated beginning and end dates.
• A reference to the budget, noting areas of greatest expense to be covered by the grant and if any other funder has already committed to the program.
• A moving closing paragraph stating the difference the grant will make to your constituents and to the community (where applicable).
There will of necessity be some redundancy among the cover letter, executive summary, and proposal. Occasionally you may even repeat some language exactly, but try not to do this. To make an effective proposal, however, each part must reinforce the others and remain consistent in conveying your message. Stay on point, and no matter what order the funder reads your material, she will understand why your proposal must be funded.

The Least You Need to Know

• Customize every cover letter to reflect what you know about the addressee and the person at your charity who will sign it.
• Grab the reader’s attention with your cover letter, and point out the key reasons why you should receive the grant.
• Use clear language and formatting to make it easy for the reader to find and remember the points in your cover letter to advocate for your proposal.
• Use the cover letter to current or past funders to briefly report on their last grant and thank them one more time.
• Use the cover letter to new funders to place your program in context within your charity’s mission and goals.
• Make the executive summary a true summary, touching on all aspects of the proposal, including the budget.
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