Combined Final Report and Renewal Request

In Chapter 14, I showed you how a proposal for general operating support using the outcomes method might consist of a list of notable accomplishments from the past year accompanied by plans for the coming year. With a little more attention to details about what you did in the past year, this same format works as a combined final report and request for renewed funding. You can do this in cases where you have a close relationship with a funder, but sending a separate report before asking for the renewal will serve you better in developing a relationship with a new funder. If you’re seeking a large increase in support, you can set the stage for the increased request in a report, saving the asking for a new proposal that would follow it soon afterward.
You can take the same approach to submit a combined report and proposal for a program grant as well, assuming the program runs year after year with little change, the funder has a real commitment to the program, and you’re not seeking a major increase.
With some larger (and more bureaucratic) foundations, combining the report with the new request won’t work because of the particular ways they want to receive reports. In that case, you’ll file your final report and submit a new request a few weeks later.
When submitting your report and new request separately, use the intervening time to call the funder and ask for comments on your report. This will help you shape the new proposal.
Educating and cultivating the funders, thanking them, keeping in touch, and giving them timely reports are all parts of good donor stewardship. If you take good care of your funders, they’ll be more likely to continue to support your charity.

The Least You Need to Know

• All your communications with the funder—from thank you letter to final report—should focus on the funded project and work toward developing an ongoing relationship.
• Sending an interim report (including a financial report), is a good idea, even if not required by the funder.
• If a program doesn’t go as planned, consider asking the funder to modify the terms of the grant.
• If you need more time to complete the program, request an extension at least two months before the end of the grant period.
• Use the final report to set the stage for your next application by including information on areas not yet resolved or the need for continued similar activities.
• In a final report, include information on each goal and objective listed in the proposal.
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