The Efficient Practice

Whether you’ve decided to get paid by the hour or the job, you want to perform your tasks efficiently, taking no more of your time than necessary and providing your clients with good value for their money.
To get started, you’ll need a computer with word processing and spreadsheet programs, as well as a program that allows you to create, edit, and save PDF files. Many funders require you to complete PDF application forms. The free Adobe Reader software allows you only to read, and in some cases type into, PDF files, but it won’t allow you to create or save them. You’ll need Adobe Acrobat or a similar program to do that. Some open source programs of this type are available free. Just search the Internet.
And speaking of the Internet … you’ll need a high-speed connection to do research and a subscription to one of the online foundation databases. (Review Chapter 7 to decide which one suits your work best.)
Because you’ll be handling confidential and proprietary information from each of your clients, structure your computer directory to keep each client’s files separate. Avoid naming files “cover letter” or “after-school budget.” Start each file name with the client’s name followed by something descriptive, like “NewTownMiddleSchoolcomputer budget,” to be sure you keep everything straight. Keep your paper files equally organized. Be sure to keep copies of everything you give to a client.
Proprietary is defined as “privately owned and controlled.” You should consider all materials a client supplies you about its programs and operations and all materials you create for that client proprietary, or belonging to, the client. Proprietary materials cannot be shared with anyone else without permission.
You can easily find a wonderful machine that functions as printer, copier, scanner, and even fax machine for under $200. You’ll find yourself frequently doing all those things, so minimize equipment clutter with one machine that does it all.
Once you’ve taken care of practical matters, your thoughts must turn to how much you’ll charge, how much of your hard-earned cash will go to the state, and what kind of working agreements to use—all of which is covered in the next chapter.

The Least You Need to Know

• You’ll need a minimum of two complete grant proposals as writing samples.
• Your professional resumé should include all relevant nonprofit and writing experience.
• Use examples of other professional writing to reinforce your grant-writing credentials.
• Avoid overly needy or unrealistic clients.
• Subscribe to an online funder database.
• Use social networks and job listings to find freelance assignments.
• Equip your home office with a computer, a multifunctional printer/scanner/fax machine, and software for creating PDF files.
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