Corporate Resources

The Council for the Advancement and Support of Education (CASE)
This site maintains the most complete and up-to-date information on corporate matching gift programs.
EDGAR Database
Although the information in the Securities and Exchange Commission’s EDGAR database is probably more esoteric than you’ll need, you should be aware that you can gain access to all SEC filings.
The Foundation Center
The fee-based database includes information on corporate foundations and their parent companies.
Provides information on corporate foundations and companies. Its “Director Connections” provides information on corporate directors and foundation directors and the links among them.
Gifts In Kind
This site provides a catalog of donated products of all kinds.
This database of every nonprofit organization in the United States includes foundations (private and corporate) and provides links and several years of tax returns for each.
The International Events Group
IEG provides the most complete information on corporate sponsorship. They publish a newsletter, have a helpful website, and hold seminars across the United States.
This is a very expensive tool that provides access to a database with information on some 200 million households and 700 million phone numbers, among other information. You might be able to gain free access at some business and academic libraries.
Tech Soup
This site handles the software donations for a number of software companies, in addition to many other services.

Company Sites

American Express Foundation
This corporate site provides clear directions on how to apply and the areas they fund. Also included are lists of grants they’ve made.
The Gap Foundation
Most of the foundation’s grantmaking is aimed at programs that assist young people, although they also make some grants in health, human services, the arts, and the environment. Grants are made worldwide, according to their website. Click on “Social Responsibility” to find the information on their grants.
Sears, Roebuck and Co. Contributions Program
“Cause-related marketing” and sponsorships come from this office, as well as huge donations in products. Local organizations can apply directly to local stores for contributions. Note that the Sears Foundation does not have a website.
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