Individual Grantseeker Resources

American Music Center, Opportunities for Composers
This database, accessible for a small fee, contains information on ongoing grant programs, competitions, and other opportunities for composers.
Community of Science
The Community of Science offers information for the “global research and development community.” You can sign up for a free weekly e-mail alert of new opportunities.
Grants and Awards Available to American Writers
PEN American Center’s directory is widely recognized as the most comprehensive resource for opportunities of all kinds for writers, from grants to writing contests to artist colonies. It is updated biennially and now exists as an online database with only a token fee for access.
Grants for Individuals Online
This is the Foundation Center’s online directory of grants for individuals in all areas. This is an inexpensive pay service.
Michigan State University Research Links
Researchers at Michigan State University have compiled this extensive list of links for grants for individuals. Because it’s a university, it’s not surprising it’s concentrated on scholarships.
NYFA Source
This free database of more than 8,000 opportunities for artists in all disciplines includes dance, film, music, theater, literature, and visual arts.
OPERA America
The Career Guide database provides details on opportunities for opera artists (such as composers, librettists, and singers) including grants and competitions. A fee-based service.
Poets & Writers
This site lists recent grants and awards as well as classified ads and limited free access to Poets & Writers Magazine.
Society of Research Administrators International
The Society of Research Administrators International offers information on RFPs and issues in research.
Writer’s Digest
This site is full of information on the publishing business, although it’s better for commercial (as opposed to literary) publishing.
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