Part 2
Where the Money Is
Philanthropic institutions and individuals donate billions of dollars every year. Part 2 looks at each source of grant money and takes a peek behind the scenes at what motivates each type of funder to give away its money.
I look at foundations—large and small, family run and professionally staffed, community and commercial—and their similarities and differences. I break down corporations’ many ways of making grants so you’ll know which door to knock on. And I give you a tour of government agencies and show you how to get back some of your tax dollars, either by performing a service for the government or by getting money for your project! I also take a look at grants from individuals and the different ways to approach them.
Not only do you have to know what makes each type of funder tick to unlock their vast treasuries, you also need to know what each will expect from you after you have their money, so I take a look at how acceptance of a grant obligates you and your nonprofit.
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