Corporate Matching Gifts

As I mentioned earlier in this chapter, one reason corporations give is to improve employee morale. One way of doing this is to allow employees to have some say in which charities receive grants. Rather than influence the major grantmaking activities of the corporation, many companies match the contributions made to charities by an employee (and in some cases, those made by the spouse of an employee or a member of the corporate board of directors).
Mostly, they match dollar for dollar, but some go as high as three to one. You apply for these grants by completing a simple form (supplied by the donor) and enclosing proof of nonprofit status after you’ve received a contribution from someone associated with the corporation. You don’t even have to do a cover letter, much less a proposal.
The Council for the Advancement and Support of Education (CASE; maintains the most complete and up-to-date information on corporate matching gift programs. This isn’t surprising because more corporations match gifts to educational institutions than to any other sector. You can purchase a directory from them, or you can buy brochures listing all the companies to distribute to your constituents.

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