And the Letter Gets Sent Where?

So with all these company divisions competing to give their money to you, how do you decide where to send your proposal? Read everything you can about what each office supports. More and more, company websites offer information that will help you direct your proposal to the right office. Also try calling someone at the division that looks most promising to discuss your project. If he isn’t the correct person to speak to, he might be able (and willing) to direct you to the person or division most likely to be able to help you.
If you think you can offer substantial benefits, I’d start with the sponsorship office. If they invite a proposal, you’ll probably hear back from them within a few weeks if they’re interested. In contrast, foundations tend to move more slowly because committees or boards make the decisions, possibly taking months for a response.
Getting someone to advise you isn’t always easy, but don’t let your frustration tempt you to send a proposal to more than one office at the same company. Even if you don’t tell them you’re approaching different offices, they might find out, and they will resent your wasting their time. And remember that a grant proposal is not appropriate for a sponsorship office anyway.
Here are examples of some large corporations and how they part with their cash:
American Express Foundation
American Express Company
World Financial Center
New York, NY 10285
This corporate site provides clear directions on how to apply, areas it funds, and grants it has made. Depending on your location, you may need to submit your application to a regional office. It made $20 million in grants in 2004.
The Gap Foundation
2 Folsom Street
San Francisco, CA 94105
Most of the foundation’s grantmaking is aimed at programs that assist young people, although it also makes some grants in health, human services, the arts, and the environment. Grants are made “worldwide,” according to its website. Grants: $3.1 million in 2009.
Walmart Foundation
702 S.W. 8th Street, Department 8687, # 0555
Bentonville, AR 72716-0555
The foundation makes grants nationally and focuses on education, health, and employment. It emphasizes aid to military veterans. It made grants of $217 million in 2009.
If you’re working for a grassroots community organization, it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to get a large grant from a major corporation on your first try. You might possibly get an in-kind donation (for example, T-shirts from a local outlet of The Gap) and build on that contact to lead to a cash contribution or volunteer assistance the next year.
Corporate philanthropy has become an important element in the support of all kinds of charities, although it still remains controversial to stockholders focused on the bottom line and to nervous charity board members who fear corporate associations will taint the charity’s image.
But corporate giving is not the only source of funding that can raise eyebrows. Even though we expect our government agencies to support health and education, other causes (such as the arts) can create an animated discussion at any dinner party. We look at public funding in the next chapter.

The Least You Need to Know

• Corporate giving is done to enhance the company’s reputation with employees, stockholders, and the community.
• In all corporate proposals, describe how you will recognize the grant or sponsorship. Be creative.
• Some corporations make grants nationally but also give away money through their local operations.
• The degree of recognition and benefits you can provide to the company helps determine if you should seek a grant or a sponsorship.
• Many corporations make donations of their products, either directly or through organizations like Gifts In Kind International and Tech Soup.
• Never approach different offices at the same corporation at the same time. Do approach rival corporations at the same time.
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