Why People Give Away Their Money

Some very basic human needs and desires guide an individual’s impulse to give to charity. Chief among these is pride of association. People like to be part of something positive that’s larger than themselves. People join clubs and honorary societies for this very reason.
By making a contribution to your charity, the donor will be able to take pride in its accomplishments. If you do your job right, every contributor—large or small—will feel proud of your charity. For this reason, I remind you throughout this book of the importance of keeping donors—individual donors and all your contacts at the institutional funders—informed about your charity’s accomplishments.
Fear of being alone, although perhaps a less noble feeling, also motivates individual giving. It’s closely associated with pride of association: if donors feel like they’re part of your charity’s work, they’re less likely to feel lonely. You might even have gatherings for donors, which could further dispel loneliness.
Compassion for people who have less than themselves motivates people like no other emotion. Whenever we show prospective donors, in words or pictures, those less fortunate and ask for their help, we call on their empathy and compassion.
Desire for continuity comes into play when asking for renewal of a past gift. Human nature prefers that things remain constant; change is disconcerting. After donors have given you a substantial gift, they very likely will continue giving so as not to waste the work done with their previous gifts.
Individuals donated $227 billion in 2009, which was the same as the previous year—despite an ongoing economic recession.
By discussing these basic human emotions and desires, I’m not suggesting you write in a proposal, “If you make a contribution to my charity, you won’t be lonely anymore.” I am asking you to keep in mind that your charity has something to offer donors in exchange for their gifts, something that’s completely tax-deductible and affectionately referred to in the fundraising biz as the “warm and fuzzies.”
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