Managing Your Contacts

After all your hard work developing contacts at funders through cultivation activities, mailings, phone calls, and meetings, you’ll want to keep track of everything relating to your new relationship. Some donor software or calendar programs include a “contact manager” that enables you to note every piece of mail sent and phone call made. By tracking this information, you’ll avoid contacting funders too often or not often enough. More importantly, you can set up reminders for yourself to follow through on mailings and phone calls.
How often is too often to contact a funder? During the courtship/cultivation phase, once a month is probably the most you’ll want to do. After you’ve had the first date/ informational meeting, the all-important follow-up note should set the stage for the proposal.
As time goes by, you’ll probably become very friendly, if not actually friends, with program officers at funders. Remember, however, that this is an unequal relationship because you’ll be the one asking for something 98 percent of the time. Remaining somewhat circumspect in talking about your charity—even off the record—will serve you well.
Basically, your instincts on how the program officer responds to you are more important than any guidelines I can give you. Don’t be a pest, but don’t wait so long between contacts that they forget who you are.

The Least You Need to Know

• Inquiry letters and phone calls are essential parts of the grant process.
• Don’t “go senior.” Direct your inquiry to the person designated by the funder, not someone higher up.
• Use the inquiry process to gather information about the funder’s specific interests, and avoid anything that appears to be “an ask” when making an inquiry.
• Prepare carefully for both inquiry calls and meetings.
• Make the most of any meeting, including having an alternate project to discuss if necessary.
• Use trustee connections in a way that will not alienate or undermine program officers.
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