You Already Are a Grant Writer!

If you’re anything like me, when you were in college or away at summer camp, you found it easiest to remember to write home just when your wallet was getting a little thin. Believe it or not, that was your first grant-writing experience. (I hope you were successful!)
More than 1.5 million nonprofit organizations in the United States have federal tax-exempt status, hundreds of thousands more have state tax-exempt status, and untold numbers of other groups are unincorporated.
Asking for money is never easy, but anyone can acquire the skills to ask like a professional fundraiser. This book tells you how to do that, but like so many important life lessons, you’ll find you learned the basics much earlier in life. In case your memory is fuzzy on what those letters home were like, I’ve included a “Dear Mom and Dad” letter to refresh your memory.
Dear Mom and Dad,
Thanks so much for the check you sent a couple of weeks ago. It really came just in the nick of time so I could get all the books for the new semester.
College is great! You probably saw the basketball game on TV last weekend. It was really something to actually be there. The college has a terrific series of concerts in the Coliseum, too, with first-class bands.
There are so many things to do and see, but recently I have not been able to do and see as many things as my friends because I’ve been running low on funds. If you could send me an extra $100 to tide me over to the end of the month, that would really be great!
It’s not that I expect to go out every night. Most of my time is still spent studying, especially for Psych 101, which is really tough, but I think is the subject I like the best. Reading the case studies has really brought home to me what great parents you are.
When do you think you’ll come up for a visit? Hope it’s soon, and if you could help me out with a check really soon, I’d really appreciate it.
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