Who Will Do What?

The funder will also want to know who will carry out the program. Will your staff do everything, or will you use outside consultants? It’s critical that the staffing described in this section exactly matches the staffing detailed in your program budget. You needn’t get too specific, but give them an idea of where the responsibilities will lie.
You want to build in the reasoning for participation by staff members at various levels. Will the executive director be involved in program development or execution in any way? If so, you can allocate a small part of his salary to this project. (After you’ve done that for enough programs, you’ve gotten your boss’s salary paid for through restricted grants!)
The staffing sections of the two programs described previously might read like this:
The director of programs will select the consultants who will lead the workshops in consultation with other members of the program staff and from referrals from colleagues at other service organizations. Program staff will manage the enrollment of the workshop sessions and be present at each workshop to assist with the breakout groups. One consultant will lead each of the first three workshops, with two consultants jointly leading the final session.
Our education staff will provide the musical instruction throughout the program. They will be supervised by the director of programming and the director of education; both will assist in creating the lesson plans and review progress with the instructors weekly. We will be paying a fee to our partner organization for the use of their bus and bus driver. We will also pay the custodial staff at the partner facility from program funds.
Use the names of staff or consultants when they’re well known or are included in a “key staff” attachment. Otherwise, you’re just as well off using more general descriptions like “program staff” or “clinicians” to allow greater flexibility in the program’s execution and still make it clear to the reader who is doing what.
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