Last Call

By this point, program and executive staff have edited the basic proposal. Before putting it into the mail, it’s a very good idea to have someone read over it one last time. If someone at your charity has not yet read the proposal but understands the program you’re seeking funding for, that person would be ideal to give it a look now. A fresh pair of eyes can catch jargon and those fatal word-processing errors that allow language and names from past proposals to creep into new ones.

The Least You Need to Know

• Customize every proposal for every funder.
• Avoid buzzwords—both those of the funder and of your charity—and acronyms that might confuse the reader.
• Organize proposals using the outcomes method whenever possible to stress the effect the project will have.
• Organize proposals using the process method when the outcomes might be small in comparison with the process needed to achieve them.
• General operating support (GOS) proposals can use a list of recent accomplishments as starting points for present and future program descriptions.
• Give everyone involved in the program (including executive staff) a chance to review the final draft of your first completed proposal on a project.

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