Part 1
The Clock of Your (Current) Life is Ticking

For all that’s been written about life, it is still finite. Your life, in particular, had a distinct beginning and will have a distinct ending—at least the part that occurs on earth—unless, of course, you believe you’re coming back as someone else or in some other form. In that case (cosmically speaking), you’re not facing any time pressure and might not need this book; whatever you don’t take care of in this life, you can always address in your next life—or in the second or third life after this one. Of course, advances in human technology are making the future more complex all the time; you’ll have a whole new set of challenges if you come back as a human being. (You know, come to think of it, maybe you are better off continuing with this book now. If you learn to win back your time in this life, you’ll have a head start in future lives.)

Ahem . . . back in the here-and-now, I’ll gently present seven hard-hitting chapters that explore mysteries of the ages. Among these revelations: why staying at work longer can be self-defeating, what really happens to your time, quality (versus quantity) of life, whose fault the present mess isn’t, getting real and getting what you want, identifying and going after your priorities, and why time and money are not the same thing. You know, the basics . . .


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