I’d like to thank a number of people for their help, guidance, and ideas on this book, for without them it would not have happened. As always, my agent Marilyn Allen, absolutely the best agent anyone could ever have, tops the list. Lisa Iannucci, an excellent writer in her own right, kept me on point and was always a great source of ideas and suggestions to keep the project on track. Her edits were very valuable to me as well. For his friendship, ideas, and information on the latest in the mortgage industry, Alan Garber continues to be invaluable. I also want to thank Ellie Besancon of the California Association of Realtors, as well as Lily Ruiz and Tim de Wolfe of the San Francisco Federal Reserve Bank for their assistance with some of the documentary forms you see in this book.
Also not to be forgotten by any means are the following members of the greatest organization of practicing Realtors anywhere, The Allen Hainge CyberStars: Ken Deshaies, Tucker Robbins, Elaine Lawson, Sven Andersen, Cheryl Scott-Daniels, Sandra Nickel, Jackie Safran, Allyson Hoffman, Henri Gutner, Nick Molnar, Stephanie Evelo, Alice Held, and Tim Kinzler. If you, dear reader, ever need a Realtor, you can do no better than any of these folks.
Finally, to my wife Jane and my daughters Jenn and Sara for their continuing love, help, and inspiration. Words are never enough, but will have to suffice for your constant support and understanding.
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