
Note: Figures are indicated by page numbers in italics.

Action planning, 188, 218, 231, 241–243, 242, 256, 298

Active listening, 31

Adaptability: in DANCE, 230

project execution and, 149

team, in change management, 262–273

Aggression: humor and, 179

in negotiation, 89

Aggressive people, 147

Agile methodology, 141, 149–150, 169–170, 170, 188

Agnew, Wes, 312

Agreeable people, 148

Ajam, Mounir A., 311–313

Alexander, Moira, 79

Alpha, 124

Ambiguity, 165

Analysis skills, 164

Approach, in negotiation, 84, 84

Aptitude, 52–53, 55–56

Associations, networking and, 65

Attitude: adjustment, 54–55

motivation and, 46

in negotiation, 86–89

networking and, 64–65

personal skills and, 52–55

project, 53, 53–54

Authority: in change management, 259

competence and, 111

customer escalation and, 303

decision making and, 56–57

delegation and, 17, 18

influence and, 58

key players and, 259

leadership and, 39

legitimacy vs., 106

negotiation and, 84, 91, 99

organizational support and, 237. See also Power

Balestrero, Gregory, 140

BATNA (Best Alternative to Negotiated Agreement), 89, 90

Bears, brown, 113–114, 115

Blasco Pastor, Núria, 131–132, 188–190

Blomquist, T., 120

Bonghez, Simona, 265–267

Boyatzis, Richard, 218

Bracey, Hyler, 50

Branding, personal, 216

Breen, Bill, 202

Brown, Dan, 321

Brown bears, 113–114, 115

Buckholtz, Thomas J., 151–152

Business analysis skills, 163–165

Buyer types, 278

Buy-in, 34

Cabanis-Brewin, Jeannette, 114–116

Campbell, Joseph, xi

Case study: change management skills, 257–262, 258, 259

environment skills, 234–235

negotiating skills, 93–94

personal skills, 51–52

project management skills, 156–158

project portfolio management, 195–196

sales skills, 288–291, 290

CBPM. See Commitment-based project management (CBPM)

Challenging customers, 302–303

Chamberlain, Joshua Lawrence, 35

Change control, 255–257

Change management skills, 7

and adaptability, 262–273

adaptation in, 253

alertness in, 253

behavioral patterns in, 260

case study, 257–262, 258, 259

and change assessment tool, 250–251

change control vs., 255–257

and change management process, 251–255, 254, 258, 258–259

and change readiness, 250

flexibility in, 253

and generational changes, 273

and identification of project key players, 259

and implementation plan development, 259–260

improvisation in, 253

and leadership, 260

and motivation to change, 249–250

and reactions to change, 260

and reasons for change, 247–248

and recognition of change process by others, 265–273

and resistance to change, 248

and starting position, 272

and team, 260–261

and typical results of change efforts, 247–248

Chaos, 218, 226–229

Charisma, 6, 12, 21–22, 109

Christensen, Clayton M., 309

Cialdini, Robert B., 58

Civil War, 35

Climate: organizational, 218

team, 38

Closing project, 160–163

Coalition building, 107–108

Code of ethics, 38–43, 315

Cohen, Dennis, 215

Collaboration: difficult people and, 130

millennials and, 77, 78

negotiation and, 102

networking and, 63

and project planning, 146

sales planning and, 277

social responsibility and, 226

and team “set point,” 130

Collins, Jim, 16

Commitment: coalition building and, 107–108

conflict management and, 49

courage and, 32

in force field diagram, 233, 233

leadership and, 12

management, 230–232

negotiation and, 99, 101–102

profession and, 40

project attitude and, 53

public, 58

sales skills and, 6–7, 284

sponsor, 283

winning, to project goals, 48

Commitment-based project management (CBPM), 150. See also Agile methodology

Communication: attitude and, 53

best practices for, 67

humor and, 175, 177

leadership and, 12, 13

and management of executives, 19

millennials and, 78

in multicultural teams, 219–220

multicultural teams and, 62

negotiation and, 86, 87, 88, 89

networking and, 66–68, 67

power and, 124

project culture and, 223

project planning and, 145–147

sponsor, 243

in virtual teams, 221

Competition, 119–120, 128, 167, 257–258, 304–305

Complainers, 147

Conflict: culture and, 129

goals and, 129

needs and, 129

perceptions and, 129

resources and, 129

sources of, 128–129

values and, 129

Conflict management skills, 7, 49

avoidant, 178

compromising, 179

confronting, 178

constructive contention and, 136, 136–138

difficult people and, 129–131, 130

forcing, 179

humor and, 178–179

people side of, 131–136

reframing and, 138–139

smoothing, 178

and sources of conflict, 128–129

Consideration, 46–47

Consistency, 58

Constructive contention, 136, 136–138

Contention, constructive, 136, 136–138

Coping skills, 73–74

Counseling, as personal skill, 48

Courage, 31–33, 158–159

Covey, Stephen R., 185

Cravens, K. S., 77

Creativity, 264

Credibility, 110–111, 305

Crowdsourcing, 297–299

Crowe, Andy, 57

Cuban missile crisis, 138

Culture: conflict and, 129

gender and, 220

humor and, 175–177

listening and, 31

and multicultural teams, 62, 219–220

organizational, 53

organization skills and, 188–190

project, 53, 222–224

Customer(s): benefits sharing with, 306

credibility, 305

dealing with, 305–306

difficult, 302–303

escalation, 303–304; identity, 297

orientation, 296–304

risk sharing and, 305–306

Customer knowledge, 7

competition and, 304–305

project outcomes and, 293–294

Customer value proposition (CVP), 313

CVP. See Customer value proposition (CVP)

Cynicism, 22

DANCE, 229–230

Decision making: ethical, 41–42, 225

humor and, 179

personal skills and, 56–57

Delegation, 17–18

as personal skill, 48–49

De Piante, Jim, 18–19, 36, 65

Difficult people, 129–131, 130, 147–148

Digitalization, 308–310

Directness, 47

Disruption, 308–310

Divine, D. V., 78

Documentation skills, 163–164

Donner party, 251–252

Drucker, Peter, 272

Duggal, Jack, 137

EASI. See Environmental Assessment Survey Instrument (EASI)

EBO. See Emerging Business Opportunities (EBO)

EDMF. See Ethical Decision-Making Framework (EDMF)

Edwards, Bruce, 166–167

Effective leadership, 27–31

Einstein, Albert, 108, 246

Elicitation skills, 164

Emerging Business Opportunities (EBO), 202

Emotional quotient (EQ), 73–74

Emotional security, 264

Emotions, management of, 16

Empathy, 22–23, 296

Energy management, 16–17

Environmental Assessment Survey Instrument (EASI), 188, 235, 241

Environment skills, 6

and action planning, 241–243, 242

case study, 234–235

and chaos, 226–229

and DANCE, 229–230

and force field analysis, 232, 232–241, 233, 236, 239

and ideal environment, 230

and management commitment, 230–232

and multicultural teams, 219–220

and project culture, 222–224

and role of sponsors, 243–245, 244

and social responsibility, 224–226

and virtual teams, 220–222

EQ. See Emotional quotient (EQ)

Escalation, customer, 303–304

Esque, Timm, 149, 151

Ethical decision making, 41–42, 225

Ethical Decision-Making Framework (EDMF), 41–42

Ethics: case study, 42–43

code of, 38–43, 315

organizational, 313–318

power and, 124–125

Eubanks, David, 320–321

Evans, Lisa, 81

Example: leadership by, 18–19

management by, 46

Excellence, project, 165–167

Execution of projects: innovation management in, 151–154

principles in, 152–153

Executives, management of, 19–21

Executive summary, 286

Expectations, 46, 129

Eye contact, 31

Facilitation skills, 164

Fairness, 39

Fear: change and, 249

virtual teams and, 222

Financial skills, 214–215

First-impression game, 22

Fisher, Roger, 89, 102

Follow up, 68

Force field analysis, 232, 232–241, 233, 236, 239

Frame, J. Davidson, 110–111

Fraser, Iain, 210–212

Fun, 6. See also Humor

Galavant (television series), 35–36

Galbraith, Q., 159

Geary, Brent, 93–94

Gender, 220

Generational changes, 273

Generational skills, 74–81

George, Bill, 14

Gill, David, 40, 313–317

Githens, Greg, 215–216

Gladwell, Malcolm, 255

Goals, conflict and, 129

Godin, Seth, 292

Goldman, Daniel, 73

Goleman, Daniel, 218

Governance, 213–214

Graham, Robert J., 154–155, 202–203, 215

Greenleaf, Robert, 310

“Green” organizations, 191–194, 192

“Greenvenience,” 194

Grinnell, Jon, 112, 113

Hall, Aaron, 195

Hamel, Gary, 202

Harter, J. K., 77

Heart, management from, 49–51

Heritage, 313–318

Hewlett, Bill, 30

Higher voice, 145

Hillson, David, 147–148, 175–176

Hodson, Nicholas, 308

Honesty, 39

Hope, 21

Hormones, humor and, 181

Humor, 6

communication and, 177

conflict management and, 178–179

culture and, 175–177

decision making and, 179

for diffusion of tension, 172–173

as distraction, 181

effectiveness and, 172–173

effects of, on project management, 173–175, 175

efficiency and, 172–173

hard skills and, 180–181

hormones and, 181

as internal workout, 181

leadership and, 178

motivation and, 179–180

negotiation and, 180

perspective and, 181–182

physical release and, 181

problem solving and, 179

research on, 181–182

social benefits of, 182

soft skills and, 177, 177–180

stress management and, 179

team management and, 177–178

Identity, customer, 297

Influence: authority and, 58

consistency and, 58

humor and, 179–180

law of, 33

leadership and, 33, 122

legitimacy and, 106

liking and, 58

listening and, 31

mapping, 58–61, 60

organizational awareness and, 73

as personal skill, 47–52, 57–61, 60

political environment and, 110, 123

as political skill, 6

power and, 124

reciprocity and, 58

reframing and, 138

scarcity and, 58

social validation and, 58

stakeholder analysis and, 146. See also Power

Information, in negotiation, 84, 84

Information overload, 221

Information resources management (IRM), 153

Initiation of projects: outcomes in, 141–142

outputs in, 141–142

problem statement in, 142

project planning and, 145–147

and project success, 142–143

risk facilitation and, 147–148

vision in, 143–145

Inner voice, 145

Innovation management, 151–154

Insecurity, 22

Integrity crimes, 122–123

Intuition, 34

IRM. See Information resources management (IRM)

Irwin, Brian, 22–23, 200–201

James, Vicki, 190–191

Joint Application Development (JAD) sessions, 164

Joke, 172. See also Humor

Juli, Thomas, 143–144

Kawasaki, Guy, 292

Kennedy, John F., 138

Kerzner, Harold, 167

Key competitors, 304–305

Keyes, C. L., 77

Key performance indicators (KPIs), 86

Khan, Zahid, 86

Kleiner, Art, 109–110

Knapp, M., 214

Know-it-alls, 148

Knowledge, 39

Kouzes, J., 39

KPIs. See Key performance indicators (KPIs)

L2M2, 13, 14

Lahn, Bruce, 217

Langley, Mark, 3–5

Larrauri, Nicole, 79–81

Lauridsen, Robert, xiii

Leadership, 5–6

addition and, 34

change management and, 260

code of ethics for, 38–43

effective, 27–31

empowerment and, 34

by example, 18–19

high-performance teams and, 37–38

humor and, 178

influence and, 33

integration of roles in, 21–27

intuition and, 34

in L2M2, 13, 14

laws of, 33–34

management vs., 12–14, 14

navigation and, 33

political skills and, 122–123

process and, 33

respect and, 34

of self, 14–17

servant, 310–313

of team, 12

Legitimacy, 6, 106–109, 253

Lin, K., 78

Lions, 112–113, 115

Listening: customer escalation and, 303

to customers, 297

in effective leadership, 31

and multicultural teams, 219–220

as personal skill, 48

in PMI Talent Triangle, 5. See also Communication

Looping behaviors, 121, 121–123

Love, for projects, 24–27

Lumpkin, Susan, 112

Malak, Daniel, 79

Management, 6

of emotions, 16

of energy, 16–17

by example, 46

of executives, 19–21

from heart, 49–51

leadership vs., 12–14, 14

negotiation with, 94–104, 102

of priorities, 16

in proposal, 286, 287

self, 165

of team, 12

of thoughts, 17

of time, 16

Mancuso, Lorraine, 55

Margules, Cindy, 72–73

Market forces, 306–308

Market segment, 304

Market size, 304

Market trends, 294–296

Maxwell, John, 33

McKee, Annie, 218

Means, in L2M2, 13, 14

Mediation, 35

Meisner, Remco, 31, 91, 123, 181, 267–271, 299–301, 307–308

Millennials, 74–81

Modeling, visual, 164

Moeller, Leslie H., 308

Moodiness, 22

Moore, Geoffrey, 306–307

Motivation: to change, 249–250

humor and, 179–180

in L2M2, 13, 14

as personal skill, 46–47

Mourkogiannis, Nikos, 166

Müller, Ralf, 117–118, 120

Multicultural teams, 62, 219–220

Needs, conflict and, 129

Negative people, 148

Negotiating skills, 6, 49

benefits of, 84–85

humor and, 180

project success and, 85–86

Negotiation: approach in, 84, 84

attitudes on, 86–89

BATNA (Best Alternative to Negotiated Agreement), 89, 90

bottom line in, 101

case study, 93–94

closure in, 101–102

commitments in, 101–102, 102

concessions in, 101

due diligence in, 102, 102

four forces of, 84, 84

hard, 89

information in, 84, 84, 97

intimidation tactics in, 101

issues to be negotiated in, 85, 95

knowing status in, 97–98

life cycle, 90, 90

limiting authority in, 99

opening offer in, 100

patience in, 96–97

positivity in, 96

power in, 84, 84, 90

preparation for, 84–89, 91, 97

principled, 89

process, 89–90

rules of, 90–94, 91

soft, 89

with sponsor, 94–104, 102

statement of needs in, 93

testimonials on, 86–89

timing in, 84, 84

trial balloons in, 99

Networking: associations and, 65

attitude and, 64–65

benefits of, 64, 64

communication and, 66–68, 67

follow up and, 68

organizations and, 65

as personal skill, 48, 63–70, 64, 67

references and, 66

serving others and, 65

O’Brochta, Michael, 124–125, 262–264, 310–311

Oishi, S., 77

Oliver, E. G., 77

Organizational awareness, 73

Organizational climate, 218

Organizational culture, 53

Organizational dynamics, 206–209

Organizational ethics, 313–318

Organizational structure, 186–188

Organizations, networking and, 65

Organization skills, 6

culture and, 188–190

financial skills and, 214–215

governance and, 213–214

and “green” organizations, 191–194, 192

organizational structure and, 186–188

people and, 188–190

personal branding and, 216

project portfolio management and, 194–210

and sponsor management, 190–191

strategic management and, 197

strategic thinking and, 215–216

and “toxic” organizations, 191–194, 192

value and, 210–213

Orientation, customer, 296–304

Outcomes, project, 293–294

P2O2, 89

Packard, Dave, 30

Parallel processing, 221

Passion, 61–63

Patience, 61–63, 96–97

Pells, David, 64

Perceptions, conflict and, 129

Perfectionism, 22

Perry, Katy, 104

Persistence, 61–63

Personal branding, 216

Personal skill(s), 6

aptitude and, 52–53, 55–56

attitude and, 52–55

case study, 51–52

conflict management as, 49

consideration as, 46–47

coping skills as, 73–74

counseling as, 48

for dealing with individuals, 48–49

for dealing with teams, 49

decision making and, 56–57

delegation as, 48–49

directness as, 47

generational skills as, 74–81

influence and, 57–61, 60

listening as, 48

with millennials, 74–81

motivation as, 46–47

negotiation as, 49

networking as, 48, 63–70, 64, 67

passion and, 61–63

patience and, 61–63

persistence and, 61–63

power use as, 48

project attitude and, 53, 53–54

rapport building as, 48

strengths and, 70–73

trust building as, 48

winning commitment as, 48

Phillips, Michael, 159

Pinto, Jeffrey K., 108

Planning, political, 109–121

PMO. See Project management office (PMO)

Political environment, 109–110

Political jungle, 111–116

Political skills, 6

coalition building and, 107–108

competence and, 110–111

credibility and, 110–111

influence and, 106

integrity crimes and, 122–123

leadership and, 122–123

legitimacy and, 106–109

looping behaviors and, 121, 121–123

planning and, 109–121

positive politics and, 106

power and, 106

relationship building and, 110–111

stakeholder behavior and, 111

and truth to power, 123–124

Politics, as ever-present, 108–109

POO. See Project office of one (POO)

POO Code, 321–332

Positive attitude, 46

Positive politics, 106

Positivity, in negotiation, 96

Posner, B., 39

Powell, Colin L., 172

Power: appropriate use of, 48

coalition building and, 107

credibility and, 110

ethics and, 124–125

in negotiation, 83, 84, 84, 90

personal skills and, 48

political environment and, 109

political skills and, 6, 106

speaking truth to, 123–124

understanding, 124–125. See also Authority; Influence

Presentation skills, 284–285, 285

Pricing, in proposal, 286, 287

Pride, 22

PRINCE2, 214

Principles, in project execution, 152–153

Priority management, 16

Problem statement, 142

Professional development, 36–37

Professionalism, ethics vs., 39–40

Project attitude, 53, 53–54

Project closing, 160–163

Project culture, 53, 222–224

Project environment, 218. See also Environment skills

Project excellence, 165–167

Project execution: innovation management in, 151–154

principles in, 152–153

Project initiation: outcomes in, 141–142

outputs in, 141–142

problem statement in, 142

project planning and, 145–147

and project success, 142–143

risk facilitation and, 147–148

vision in, 143–145

Project Management Institute (PMI), 5

Project management office (PMO), 72, 118–121

Project management skills, 6

Agile methodology in, 169–170, 170

business analysis skills in, 163–165

case study, 156–158

closing in, 160–163

competency and, 168–169

control vs. results in, 154–160, 156–158

courage in, 158–159

documentation skills in, 163–164

elicitation skills in, 164

and execution of projects, 149–154

facilitation skills in, 164

and initiation of projects, 141, 141–145

innovation management in, 151–154

project closing in, 160–163

project excellence in, 165–167

relationship-building skills in, 164–165

specification skills in, 163–164

visual modeling in, 164

Project office of one (POO), xi, 2

Project outcome life cycles, 215

Project outcomes, 293–294

Project portfolio management: case study, 195–196

execution of, 198–199

executive beliefs and, 196–197

executive expectations and, 196–197

executive support for, 195–196

modern management practice compatibility with, 200–201

organization skills and, 194–210

selling, to executives, 198

sustaining discipline in, 200

training, 199–200

upper management support in, 197–198

Project reviews, 161–163

Project sponsorship, 190

Project success, 142–143

Proposal preparation, 285–288

Psychological safety, 38

Purpose, 39

Questioning skills, 278–280

Rapport, 48

Rasberry, Salli, 159

Readiness, change, 250

Reagan, Ronald, 82

Reciprocity, 58

Redmann, Amber, 3

References, networking and, 66

Reframing, 138–139

Relationship building, 110–111

Relationship-building skills, 164–165

Relationship development, 34–36

Requests for proposal (RFPs), 92, 283, 285–288

Requirements workshops, 164

Resistance to change, 248

Resources: conflict and, 128, 129

management and, 12

networking and, 64

portfolio management and, 201

project planning and, 145–146

sacrifice and, 25

sales skills and, 282

vision and, 144

Responsibility, 38, 167

social, 224–226

Reviews, project, 161–163

Revitalization cycles, 219

RFPs. See Requests for proposal (RFPs)

Richards, Ann, 105

Risk facilitation, 147–148

Risk sharing, 305–306

Role models, 332, 332, 333

Rosenblum, Jack, 50

Sacrifice, 34

Safety, psychological, 38

Sales skills, 7

advantages in, 280, 281

benefits in, 280, 281

and buyer types, 278

case study, 288–291, 290

closure in, 280

emotion and, 275–276

features in, 280, 281

“in the game,” 276–277

objections and, 283

presentation skills in, 284–285, 285

proposal preparation in, 285–288

and questioning skills, 278–280

resources in, 282

and sales planning, 277–278

and sales process, 280, 280–283

and sponsor commitment, 283

summarization in, 282

upper management support and, 276

Sanchez, Yunive Moreno, 125

Sanford, Aubrey, 50

Sangin, Martina, 308

Scarcity, 58

Schlappi, Mike, 52–53

Schmidt, F. L., 77

Schweitzer, Albert, 54

Self-leadership, 14–17

Self-management, 165

Self sharing, 21–22

Sensitivity training, 277

Servant leadership, 310–313

Service-mindedness, 264–265

Shakespeare, William, 45

Sharing, of self, 21–22

Silent people, 148

Sinek, Simon, 33

Skills, 4

analysis, 164

business analysis, 163–165

change management, 7

conflict management, 6, 49

coping, 73–74

documentation, 163–164

elicitation, 164

environment, 6

facilitation, 164

financial, 214–215

generational, 74–81

humor and, 177–180

negotiating, 6, 49

organization, 6

personal, 6

political, 6

presentation, 284–285, 285

project management, 6

questioning, 278–280

relationship-building, 164–165

sales, 7

specification, 163–164. See also Change management skills; Conflict management skills; Environment skills; Negotiating skills; Organization skills; Personal skill(s); Political skills; Project management skills; Sales skills

Smith, S. D., 159

Snyder, W. M., 225

Social media, 79, 303

Social responsibility, 224–226

Social validation, 58

Solera, Jose, 149–151, 302–303

Specification skills, 163–164

Split groups, 221–222

SPO. See Strategic project office (SPO)

Sponsors: negotiation with, 94–104, 102

role of, 243–245, 244

SRAA (sense, respond, adapt, adjust), 229–230

Stacey, R. D., 228

Stakeholder behavior, 111

Stallers, 148

Stewart, J. S., 77

Storytelling, 159

Strategic management, 197

Strategic project office (SPO), 121

Strategic thinking, 215–216

Stress management, humor and, 179

Success, project, 142–143

Successful voice, 145

Surowiecki, James, 298

Synchronicity, 222

Talent Triangle, 5, 5, 85

Taylor, Peter, 319–320

Teachability, 24, 264

Team(s): in change management, 260–261, 262–273

gender and, 220

high-performance, 37–38

humor and, 177–178

leadership of, 12

management of, 12

multicultural, 62, 219–220

personal skills for dealing with, 49

set-points of, 129–130, 130

virtual, 220–222

Technical component, of proposal, 286–287

Technology: change management and, 258, 262

disruption and, 308–310

innovation and, 152

millennials and, 75, 76, 79

virtual teams and, 221, 222

Thiry, Michel, 65

Thompson, Mark, 165–166

Thompson, Michael, 169–170

Thoughts, management of, 17

Tigers, 112, 115

Time management, 16

Timing, in negotiation, 84, 84

Tingley, Robyn, 78

Toxic organizations, 191–194, 192

Trends, market, 294–296

Trueblood, Roy, 50

Trust, 39, 48, 125, 221

Truth to power, 123–124

Tuchman, Barbara, 203

Turner, J. Rodney, 120

Unhappy voice, 145

Ury, William, 89, 102

Value: elements of, 211

focus on, 159, 210–213

organization skills and, 210–213

types, 211

Value proposition, 312

Values: coalition building and, 107

conflict and, 129

courage and, 158

ethics and, 38–39

leadership and, 12, 123

Virtual teams, 220–222

Vision, 12, 75, 121, 121, 143–145, 223, 227, 233, 315–317

Visualization, 5, 7–10, 9, 10

Visual modeling, 164

Voice, in vision, 145

Weaver, Janice L., 132–136, 139

Wenger, E. C., 225

Werner, J. P., 78

Whitten, Neal, 26

Why, 33

Wiefling, Kimberly, 91

Wong, Zachary, 129

Youth, Howard, 114

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