— Comparing, judging, and being jealous in ways that result in envy, resentment, and bitterness

— Believing what you think is true

— Being unaware of stressful thoughts

— Believing there is a price to pay for living your purpose/passion (that you cannot afford to pay)

— Mismatching; finding fault with any potential solution (saying “yes, but…”)

— Reinventing the wheel

— Arguing for your limitations

— Not questioning limiting beliefs

— Lacking insight

— Lacking the tools to question mindset

— Maintaining a know-it-all mindset

— Cultivating closed-mindedness

— Blaming circumstances and others for your situation

— Persisting in negative self-talk

— Being pessimistic

— Worrying excessively due to obsessive negative thinking

— Not considering the opinions and viewpoints of others

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