— Not knowing where to begin or how to keep going

— Not seeking information or instruction on work process

— Waiting until you feel inspired or “feel like it” to begin working

— Blowing off deadlines, not keeping agreements

— Admitting distractions: internet, phone, television, reading, shopping

— Eating emotionally

— Giving up when things are hard

— Abandoning projects before completing them

— Overextending, not setting boundaries

— Overpromising, underdelivering

— Staying “too busy”

— Not recognizing your limits

— Indulging in mood-altering activities: drugs, drink, sex, or whatever you do that makes you feel better for a moment and then makes you feel worse

— Maintaining a chaotic, disorganized space

— Isolating self, not reaching out for good companionship

— Doing things the same way and expecting a different result

— Raising the bar too high, expecting to go from A to Z in two steps rather than twenty-six

— Working in fits and starts

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