Mastering Your Modes: Recipe Cards


It’s important to plan ahead for times of low energy or when one of the destructive aspects of thinking, feeling, or action crops up. It happens to everyone who does creative work, so these recipe cards will ensure you are prepared. Next time you hit a rough patch of bad thinking, moody blues, or lethargic nonaction, you’ll have some inspirational recipes to get you back on track.

Each card will depict one of your challenges, and on the back of each will be a list of remedies you respond to. Just think: the more challenges, the more cool cards you’ll have! You can make copies and swap with other creative entrepreneurs if you like.

1. In your journal, use the left page of the spread to depict something you are struggling with in one of the modalities of thinking, feeling, or action.

2. On the right page, make a picture of your remedy for that situation. If you have several remedies, make a list. Remember, these will be shrunk down to card size, so keep that in mind, especially with words; you want to be able to read them at a reduced size.

3. Now make a scan or copy of each page and shrink down to the size card you want. Good sizes are 4″ by 6″ or 5″ by 7″.

4. Set up a master printing sheet to fill up a whole page. Print the front and back on separate sheets.

5. Trim cards to size and then glue together.

6. Embellish with glitter or other ephemera. A nice touch is to go around the edge of the card with a metallic or colored marker.

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