Minijournals Are Great for…

1. Overcoming blocks associated with looking at blank white pages. Using a variety of colored paper adds instant visual interest.

2. Documenting your strategic plan. In a minijournal, your plan can easily be accessed. Keep it right on your worktable. Take it with you for review. The more you stay in touch with your plan, the easier it is to stay inspired and on task.

3. Keeping to-do lists and tracking progress on your tactics.

4. Documenting the story behind the story. So much happens internally when you are working on your guidebook processes and exercises! The minijournal is a great place to write about your experience while it’s still fresh, so you can then tuck it away for future reference. Because the subconscious mind is activated, we really can get into an altered state when we work. The insights we’re having seem obvious. I call this phenomenon dreaming on the page. But just like waking from a dream, it only takes minutes for the vivid aha! to vanish from consciousness. Minijournals help capture insights on the fly.

5. For everyday note-taking. Try creating one minijournal per month. Use them like daybooks and store them in your journal when finished. Review them quarterly and then at the end of the year. You’ll see patterns and ideas valuable to you and your business.

6. Recycling. What to do with all the cards you receive? Make minijournals out of this season’s stack of holiday or valentine or birthday cards. Write journal entries and add photos in all the blank spaces. These little booklets become powerful reminders of moments in time—without having to create perfect memory pages or even use art supplies.

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