Mapping Your Creative Entrepreneur Mandala


1. Respond to the journaling prompts (at right) for each pathway. This will clarify the content of your mandala.

2. Gather images and words that express the attributes you want to manifest in each of the four pathways. Try to work quickly when gathering images so the conscious/judging mind doesn’t censor your choices.

3. Create a large page spread in your journal by taping extra pages to all of the page edges or use one large blank piece of paper, about 20″ by 22,″ which can be folded and stored in your journal.

4. Draw four large overlapping ovals on the page to create an eight-petalled mandala.

5. Using the mandala diagram (page 19) as a guide, pencil in the titles of each petal.

6. Trim and paste in the images gathered for each section in the appropriate petal. Embellish with paint, markers, wax crayons, and ephemera, as desired.

7. Decorate the center area, where the petals overlap, as a separate component. One idea is to portray what the intersection of the four pathways looks like in terms of ideal work.

8. Embellish the areas outside the mandala flower with more images, words, or ephemera, and take notes on what you know now about your own unique Creative Entrepreneur Mandala.

9. Sit with the finished mandala. View it from a distance. Take some time to journal about your experience using the journalling prompts or questions of your own.

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