Befriending My Left Brain

I used to live primarily guided by the right brain and was suspicious and rejecting of all left-brained activities—math, making order, keeping a schedule. I sucked at those things. Then I went to college (at the ripe age of forty-four!) and had to tackle, or rather master, those left-brain skills in order to succeed.

Making this journal page helped me see my current relationship to the left and right sides of my being. I find I value the left more than ever; it’s the side that gets things done. But I’m seeing that both sides are crucial. Like a good relationship, these two sides support each other and offer strengths the other lacks. The right side loves to dream things up and can see the big picture. The left side knows the steps and can make an action plan to make dreams realities.

My big aha! moment: I spent two hours doing schoolwork (left-brain heavy lifting), and then I took a one-hour break to work in my visual journal. Not only did this refresh me, I got insights for solving a school problem that was vexing me. I got a ton done that day and was happy doing it.


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