

Actionable plan

positive thinking for, 55

results and, 135

self-doubt preventing, 117–118

Alexander, Kenneth, 118–119

Amazon, 160

Analytical thinking

Apple with, 11

artificial intelligence with, 42

brain and, 38

business teaching, x, 39–40

as challenged, 177

creative shutting out, 33, 48–49

creative thinking alternated with, 7

creativity and, 22

creativity lost for, 179

creativity united with, 23, 37–38

differences shunned by, 118

education and, 120–121

education emphasizing, 39

failure and, 12

on multitasking, 131–132

on one target, 81

on overload, ix, 8–9

problem solving and, x, 51–52

on product, 111

on profit, 39, 112–113, 157

quantification for, 39

self-doubt in, 120–121, 125


analytical thinking at, 11

Microsoft and, 13–14

stagnation at, 12

technology from, 11–15, 49


creativity and, 91–92

sense subcategories of, 92

Artificial intelligence

without human attributes, 43

analytical processing from, 42


Bénédictus, Edouard, 88


business regulation and, 100–101

inflated ego and, 97

trust without, 152

BMW, 169–170


anatomy of, 38

correction for, 8–9

neuroplasticity and changing, 5

new ways for, 8

Break away, 172

Bugatti, 171

Burke, James E., 149, 151


analytical thinking taught by, x, 39–40

Business (cont’d)

blame and regulation of, 100–101

comfort avoidance for, 102

complacency by, 157–158

creativity for, ix–xi, 10

education from, 62

on emotional intelligence, 40

highest-level view of, 27–28

ideas, concepts, execution for, 30–31

inflated ego and death of, 98

root problem in, 51–52

yes in, 140


Carbon dioxide emissions, 177

CCD. See Charged couple device


on analytical thinking, 177

creative thinking on, 142–143

solutions pushed by, 85, 139


in concept, 33–34

as constant, 11

creativity hope in, 98

early warning on, 159, 161

from ideas, 143

inflated ego versus, 95

Pan Am on, 166–167

as threat, 22

time guaranteeing, 144

from will power, 7–8

yes to, 140

Character, xii

bad times showing, 99

Charged couple device (CCD), 137

Charitable giving, 175–176

Chean, Jeff, 61–62


community as, 139–140

failure and thinking like, 139

imagination and, 18

as problem solvers, 18, 21

Ciopyk, Mike, 169–170

Clean drinking water, 176–177

Columbia House, 145

exploitive sales and, 161–165


business avoiding, 102

for complacency, 127

limits on, xiii

as mistake, 127

pushed out of, 144–145

results not from, 102

self-doubt from, 119–120

technology for, 128

uncomfortable and, 133–134


in crisis, 152–153

inflated ego breaking, 98

process for, 109

as product, 27, 111

value provided in, 153


benefits for, 114

child thinking as, 139–140

self-doubt overcome for, 125

website for, 180


analytical strategies by, 12

creativity for, ix–xi, 10

ideas for, 3–4

services packaged for, 9–10


as good, 13–14

listening to, 66–67

for Pan Am, 166

for Porsche, 171


by business, 157–158

comfort for, 127

conundrum of, xiii

exploitive sales for, 158, 162

by Pan Am Airlines, 166

past and, 168

stuck in, 179

types of, 158

Computers. See also Technology

without creativity, 42–43

Apple and, 11–15, 49

Apple and Microsoft in, 13–14

human mind as, 38–39

multitasking and, 127–135

Pan Am with, 165


business needing, 30–31

exercise for, 28

for pizza restaurant, 31

radical changes in, 33–34

Trinity of Creativity as, 26, 31, 34

as widest view, 27–28


from creative thinking, 135

creativity and, xv, 43

creativity for intimate, 49

empathy as, 65

humor for, 64

vulnerability creating, 150


of approach, 72, 109–110

humor on, 63

idea killed by, 53

of inflated ego, 94, 96

listening versus, 75

as mistake, 88, 102

of self-doubt, 117

vulnerability versus, 150

Costs, xiv, 22, 71, 141

cutting of, 12

of exploitive sale, 162

of trust restored, 151–155

Could be, 18, 102–103

creative mind seeing, xvi, 86

Courage, xii, 86

for creativity, 62

as difficult, 68–69

as listening, 68

new actions as, 67

problems overcome by, 62

self belief as, 68

Creative idea economy, xiv, 16

innovation in, 153–154

reinvention for, 173

Creative thinking

analytical alternated with, 7

analytical shut out by, 33, 48–49

on boundaries, 142–143

brain and, 38

connections from, 135

“could be” seen by, xvi, 86

doubt of, 39

Jobs and, 13–14

on product, 111–112

on root problem, 52–53

for tweaking, 179–180

as underdeveloped, ix, 8


through analytical barriers, 22

alternatives popping as, 32

analytical and lost, 179

analytical united with, 23, 37–38

art as subset and, 91–92

as being yourself, 100

for business, ix–xi, 10

calculated risk of, 15

change and hope for, 98

for companies, ix–xi, 10

computers without, 42–43

connection through, xv, 43

as ego antidote, 96

emotional intelligence from, 40

exercise for, 41–42

failure from lack of, 168

from focus, 133

fostering of, 92–93

Creativity (cont’d)

growth for, 105–106

harmonic theory on, 134–135

for human attributes, 49

human element exercise for, 43–44

humor, empathy, courage for, 62

humor sparking, 63–64

imagination captured by, 48

imperfection loved boosting, 87

inflated ego shutting, 94, 98

as innovation, 93

intimate connection from, 49

as learned, 5

from little victory, 81

logic with, 6–7

mind wandering in, 32–33

from mistakes, 83–84

moved by, 14–15

natural instincts versus, 102–103

from necessity, 45–47

norms questioned and, 101–102

paralysis of choice and, 166

personality traits of, xii

with positive thinking, 52–54

as possibility, 17–18

potential seen by, 103

for problem solving, x, xv, 38–39

process with, 109

on profit, 93, 112–114

questions for, 72

as seeing differently, xvi, 44

solutions by, 93

spread of, 47–48

as taught, 20, 25–26

as tool, 5–6

from uncomfortable, 134

as variations, 33–34


four steps for, 147–155

guide for, xiii

Croc, Ray, 80–81


Detox day, 129

Digital camera, 138

Disruption, 140

Drawing exercise, 19


Early warning

on change, 159, 161

on complacency, 158

Education, 17

analytical thinking in, 39

from boss, 62

for creativity, 5, 20, 25–26

by fear, 142

guesses not part of, 121

right answers in, 120–121

Ego, xii

apology and weight of, 97–98

blame and inflated, 97

business death and inflated, 98

change versus inflated, 95

communication and, 98

control of inflated, 94, 96

creativity and inflated, 94, 98

creativity as antidote and, 96

failure and inflated, 96

ineffective leadership and, 96

inflation of, 93–94, 179

self and, 32–33, 68, 100

as self-worth, 93

success for inflated, 94–95

Emotional intelligence

business on, 40

creativity growing, 40

empathy in, xii, 62, 64–67, 86, 179

hiring and, 40

human element in, 44

Empathy, xii, 86

as connections, 65

for creativity, 62

as external, 64, 66–67

as internal, 64–66

judgment opposite of, 66–67

as listening, 65–66

problems overcome by, 62

without, 179


as nitty-gritty details, 29–30

for pizza restaurant, 31

Trinity of Creativity as, 26, 31, 34

variations in, 32–33

Exploitive sales

by Columbia House, 161–165

complacency and, 158, 162

costs of, 162

innovation versus, 164–165

reversal of, 163–164

Exploration permission, 85, 139



analytical thinking and, 12

child thinking and, 139

creativity lack for, 168

fear of, 141

humor on, 63

indifference to, 96, 139

inflated ego and, 96

permission for, 63

today and tomorrow, 180

Faucet tap

as ideas flowing, 121–122

self-doubt and, 121–122


of failure, 141

learning from, 142

types of, 141–143

Ferrari, 171

Fleming, Alexander, 83–84


analytical thinking and, 81

creativity from, 133

on little victory, xii

multitasking versus, 132

Four Ps for growth, xiii, 105–114


Gates, Bill, 13–14

Grant, Ulysses S., 167

Grit, 96, 139

little victory and, 79

Group efforts, 34


for creativity, 105–106

from Four Ps, xiii, 105–114

by Pan Am Airlines, 165–166

people, process, product, profit for, 106


Harmonic theory, 134–135

Henry, Joseph, 84

Herzl, Theodor, 7–8

Hiring, 133, 149

emotional intelligence and, 40

on personal abilities, 107–108

Hitler, Adolf, 170

Human attributes, xii. See also People

artificial intelligence without, 43

computers and, 38–39

creativity exercise and, 43–44

creativity for, 49

in emotional intelligence, 44

hiring on, 107–108

Humor, xii, 86

for connections, 64

on control, 63

for creativity, 62

creativity sparked by, 63–64

Humor (cont’d)

on failure, 63

problems overcome by, 62



business needing, 30–31

as championed, xiii

change from, 143

for companies, 3–4

control killing, 53

creative idea economy and, xiv, 16, 173

exercise for, 29, 52–53

faucet tap and flowing, 121–122

grand adjustments in, 33

large developments from, 47

for pizza restaurant, 31

positive thinking for, 55, 122–123

practical specifics in, 28–29

RUST against, 145–146

self-doubt opposite of, 124

significant variations in, 33–34

Trinity of Creativity as, 26, 31, 34


children and, 18

creativity capturing, 48

on root causes, 52–53

In person meetings, 129–130

Inflated ego. See Ego


creation of, xiv

as creative equity, 153–154

creativity as, 93

exploitive sales versus, 164–165

mistakes breeding, 85

from Trinity of Creativity, 31–32

Intellectual property, xvii

Internet, 129, 153

on Toys “R” Us, 160

Inventory problem, 54–55, 63–64

iTunes, 164


Jobs, Steve, 11, 13–15, 22

Johnson & Johnson, 148–155

Judgment, 66–67


Kodak, 137–138, 140, 143, 145, 158


Language of permission, 53

Lazarus, Charles, 159


ever-flexible path by, 97

inflated ego as ineffective, 96

Life expectancy, 174–175


to competition, 66–67

courage as, 68

distrust of, 75

empathy as, 65–66

external empathy as, 64, 66–67

microlistening in, 73–74

modernity and, 75

skills for, xii

too much or too little, 71

Little victory, 102–103

barriers and limitations lifted for, 79

big win versus, 81–82

creativity from, 81

disorder and detour in, 79–80

focus on, xii

opportunities in, 81

process as, 109

success from, 77–78, 95

Love imperfection, 87


McDonald’s, 80–81


action items from, 72–73

as in person, 129–130

purpose for, 72

Mercedes, 169–170

Microlistening, 73–74. See also Listening

Microsoft, 13–14

Mistake utility

examples of, 88–89

stop, love imperfection, rethink in, 87

value seen with, 84–85


avoidance of, 85

for better outcome, 88

break away and recognition on, 172

comfort as, 127

control as, 88, 102

creativity from, 83–84

as opportunities, 85

Post-it Notes from, 88

responses after, 86

safety glass from, 88

Toll House cookie from, 89

value of, xii

Multitasking, 127–129, 133–135

analytical thinking on, 131–132

exercise on, 130–132

focus versus, 132

limits on, xiii, 130


Natural instincts, 102–103

Nazi Party, 170–171

Negative, 53–55


brains changing as, 5

old dogs and new tricks in, 8

New idea. See Ideas

Norms questioned, 101–102



in little victory, 81

mistakes as, 85


Pan Am Airlines, 145

on change, 166–167

competition for, 166

complacency by, 166

with computers, 165

growth by, 165–166

Paralysis of choice

complacency and, 158

creativity not used in, 166

as stagnation, 167

time versus, 167–168

Parks, Griffith, 119


assumptions from, 179

future from, 172–173

positive thinking leaving, 57

recognition of, 173

Penicillin, 83–84


creativity for, 49

for growth, 106

hiring and abilities of, 107–108

human attributes and, 38–39, 43–44, 107–108

personality traits of, xii

process for, 109–110

stimulation of, 50

treatment of, 108


from consumers, 168

for exploration, 85, 139

to fail, 63

language of, 53

Pizza restaurant, 31


competition for, 171

Porsche (cont’d)

Nazi Party and, 170–171

reinvention by, 169–171

sports cars by, 171

Porsche, Ferdinand, 170–171

Porsche, Ferry, 171

Positive thinking

for actionable plan, 55

on carbon dioxide emissions, 177

on charitable giving, 175–176

on clean drinking water, 176–177

creativity with, 52–54

on life expectancy, 174–175

negative versus, 53–55

as options and ideas, 55, 122–123

past left by, 57

on self-doubt, 122

Post-it Notes, 63

mistake producing, 88

shotgun experiment with, 124–125

Potential, 17–18, 103

analytical shunning, 118

Creativity seeing, xvi, 44

disorder and detour in, 79–80

variations as, 33–34

Problem solving

analytical thinking and, x, 51–52

children and, 18, 21

courage, humor, empathy for, 62

creativity for, x, xv, 38–39

exercise for, 20–21

on inventory, 54–55, 63–64

of root problem, 51–53, 55–56


for communication, 109

concept, idea, execution in, 26

consistency for, 110

with creativity, 109

for growth, 106

as little victories, 109

at personal levels, 109–110


analytical thinking on, 111

communication as, 27, 111

creative definition of, 111–112

for growth, 106

identifying, 110

safety and standards of, 154

from Trinity of Creativity, 31–32, 111


analytics on, 39, 112–113, 157

creativity on, 93, 112–114

for growth, 106

lack of, 141–142


Quantification, 39



of mistakes, 172

of past, 173


for creative economy, xiv, 16, 173

Porsche and, 169–171

Relatability, 150–151

Rest upon success tool (RUST), 145–146

Restructuring, 12, 15


actionable plan for, 135

comfort not for, 102

Rethink outcome, 87–88


change as, 22

creativity and calculated, 15

as uncomfortable, 133

yes to, 140

Root problem

in business, 51–52

creative options on, 55–56

imagination on, 52–53

RUST. See Rest upon success tool



mistake for glass and, 88

product standards for, 154

Salk, Jonas, 48

Sasson, Steve, 137–138

Self. See also Ego

courage and, 68

creative mind in, 32–33

creativity as, 100

ego as, 93

Self-doubt, 143, 179

action prevented by, 117–118

in analytical thinking, 120–121, 125

from comfort, 119–120

community and, 125

control of, 117

courage and, 68

creative thinking and, 39

as disease, xiii, 117

ego and, 93

faucet tap and, 121–122

ideas opposite of, 124

positive thinking on, 122

shotgun banishing, 123

tools against, 121–125


Post-it Notes and, 124–125

self-doubt banished with, 123

Shutting up, 74


of different ways, xvi, 44

neuroplasticity for, 5


boundaries pushed for, 85, 139

by creativity, 93

creativity for, 32

from Trinity of Creativity, 31–32

Spread of creativity, 47–48


at Apple, 12

movement away from, 173

paralysis of choice and, 167

Stops, 87


blame on lack and, 97

for inflated ego, 94–95

as little victories, 77–78, 95

little victory versus, 81–82

as questioned, 95

RUST and, 145–146

Switch gears, 133


Target, 160

analytical thinking on, 81


from adversity, 45–47

from Apple, 11–15, 49

artificial intelligence and, 42

CCD microchip in, 137

for comfort, 128

computers as, 11–15, 38–39, 42–43, 49, 127–135, 165

detox day shutting off, 129

digital camera as, 138

isolation from, 128

limits on, xiii

release from, 128–135

Time, 179

change as constant and, 11

character in bad, 99

as commodity, 75–76

failure and, 180

paralysis of choice versus, 167–168

relevancy and change for, 144

Toll House cookie, 89


creativity as, 5–6

RUST and, 145–146

against self-doubt, 121–125

Toys “R” Us, 145

Internet influencing, 160

Lazarus of, 159

Trinity of Creativity, 23

as concept, idea, execution, 26, 31, 34

group efforts on, 34

innovation, solutions from, 31–32

product captured with, 31–32, 111

Trust, 148–149

blame not in, 152

cost of restoring, 151–155

Johnson & Johnson on, 151–152

vulnerability for, 149–151

Tylenol, 147–155


Uncomfortable. See also Comfort

creativity from, 134

risk with, 133


Volkswagen, 170


connections from, 150

control versus, 150

Johnson & Johnson showing, 149–151


Wakefield, Ruth, 89

Walmart, 160

Westmoreland, Tamarah, 119

“What now” moments, 4

Will power, 7–8, 180


Yes, 140


Zika virus, 118–119

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