
Programming language design seeks power in simplicity and, when successful, begets beauty.

Choosing the trade-offs among contradictory requirements is a difficult task that requires good taste from the language designer as much as mastery of theoretical principles and of practical implementation matters. Programming language design is software-engineering-complete.

D is a language that attempts to consistently do the right thing within the constraints it chose: system-level access to computing resources, high performance, and syntactic similarity with C-derived languages. In trying to do the right thing, D sometimes stays with tradition and does what other languages do, and other times it breaks tradition with a fresh, innovative solution. On occasion that meant revisiting the very constraints that D ostensibly embraced. For example, large program fragments or indeed entire programs can be written in a well-defined memory-safe subset of D, which entails giving away a small amount of system-level access for a large gain in program debuggability.

You may be interested in D if the following values are important to you:

Performance. D is a systems programming language. It has a memory model that, although highly structured, is compatible with C’s and can call into and be called from C functions without any intervening translation.

Expressiveness. D is not a small, minimalistic language, but it does have a high power-to-weight ratio. You can define eloquent, self-explanatory designs in D that model intricate realities accurately.

“Torque.”Any backyard hot-rodder would tell you that power isn’t everything; its availability is. Some languages are most powerful for small programs, whereas other languages justify their syntactic overhead only past a certain size. D helps you get work done in short scripts and large programs alike, and it isn’t unusual for a large program to grow organically from a simple single-file script.

Concurrency. D’s approach to concurrency is a definite departure from the languages it resembles, mirroring the departure of modern hardware designs from the architectures of yesteryear. D breaks away from the curse of implicit memory sharing (though it allows statically checked explicit sharing) and fosters mostly independent threads that communicate with one another via messages.

Generic code. Generic code that manipulates other code has been pioneered by the powerful Lisp macros and continued by C++ templates, Java generics, and similar features in various other languages. D offers extremely powerful generic and generational mechanisms.

Eclecticism. D recognizes that different programming paradigms are advantageous for different design challenges and fosters a highly integrated federation of styles instead of One True Approach.

“These are my principles. If you don’t like them, I’ve got others.”D tries to observe solid principles of language design. At times, these run into considerations of implementation difficulty, usability difficulties, and above all human nature that doesn’t always find blind consistency sensible and intuitive. In such cases, all languages must make judgment calls that are ultimately subjective and are about balance, flexibility, and good taste more than anything else. In my opinion, at least, D compares very favorably with other languages that inevitably have had to make similar decisions.

Intended Audience

This book assumes you’re a programmer, meaning that you know how to accomplish typical programming tasks in a language of your choice. Knowledge of any language in particular is not assumed or particularly recommended. If you know one of the Algol-derived languages (C, C++, Java, or C#), you will enjoy a slight advantage because the syntax will feel familiar from the get-go and the risk of finding false friends (similar syntax with different semantics) is minimal. (In particular, if you paste a piece of C code into a D file, it either compiles with the same semantics or doesn’t compile at all.)

A book introducing a language would be boring and incomplete without providing insight into the motivation behind various features, and without explaining the most productive ways to use those features to accomplish concrete tasks. This book discusses the rationale behind all non-obvious features and often explains why apparently better design alternatives weren’t chosen. Certain design choices may disproportionately aggravate the implementation effort, interact poorly with other features that have stronger reasons to stay put, have hidden liabilities that are invisible in short and simple examples, or simply aren’t powerful enough to pull their own weight. Above all, language designers are as fallible as any other human, so it’s very possible that good design choices exist that simply haven’t been seen.

Organization of the Book

The first chapter is a brisk walk through the major parts of the language. At that point, not all details are thoroughly explored, but you can get a good feel for the language and build expertise to write small programs in it. Chapters 2 and 3 are the obligatory reference chapters for expressions and statements, respectively. I tried to combine the required uniform thoroughness with providing highlights of the “deltas,” differences from traditional languages. With luck, you’ll find these chapters easy to read sequentially and also handy to return to for reference. The tables at the end of these chapters are “cheat sheets”—quick refreshers expressed in terse, intuitive terms.

Chapter 4 describes built-in arrays, associative arrays, and strings. Arrays can be thought of as pointers with a safety switch and are instrumental in D’s approach to memory safety and in your enjoyment of the language. Strings are arrays of UTF-encoded Unicode characters. Unicode support throughout the language and the standard library makes string handling correct and effective.

After reading the first four chapters, you can use the abstractions provided by the language to write short script-style programs. Subsequent chapters introduce abstraction building blocks. Chapter 5 describes functions in an integrated manner that includes compile-time parameterized functions (template functions) and functions evaluated during compilation. Such concepts would normally be confined to an advanced chapter, but D makes them simple enough to justfy early introduction.

Chapter 6 discusses object-oriented design with classes. Again, compile-time parameterized classes are presented in an integrated, organic manner. Chapter 7 introduces additional types, notably struct, which is instrumental in building high-efficiency abstractions, often in concert with classes.

The following four chapters describe features that are relatively separate and specialized. Chapter 8 deals with type qualifiers. Qualifiers provide strong guarantees that are very handy in single-threaded and multithreaded applications alike. Chapter 9 covers the exception model. Chapter 10 introduces D’s powerful facilities for Contract Programming and is intentionally separate from Chapter 9 in an attempt to dispel the common misconception that error handling and Contract Programming are practically the same topic; they aren’t, and Chapter 10 explains why.

Chapter 11 gives information and advice for building large programs out of components and also gives a brief tour through D’s standard library. Chapter 12 covers operator overloading, without which a host of abstractions such as complex numbers would be severely affected. Finally, Chapter 13 discusses D’s original approach to concurrency.

A Brief History

Cheesy as it sounds, D is a work of love. Walter Bright, a C and C++ compiler writer, decided one day in the 1990s that he didn’t want to continue his career maintaining his compilers, so he set out to define a language as he thought “it should be done.” Many of us dream at some point or another of defining the Right Language; luckily, Walter already had a significant portion of the infrastructure handy—a back-end code generator, a linker, and most of all extensive experience with building language processors. The latter skill offered Walter an interesting perspective. Through some mysterious law of nature, poor language feature design reflects itself, in a Dorian Gray-esque manner, in convoluted compiler implementation. In designing his new language, Walter attempted systematically to eliminate such disfluencies.

The then-nascent language was similar to C++ in spirit so the community called it simply D, in spite of Walter’s initial attempt to dub it Mars. Let’s call that language D1 for reasons that will become apparent soon. Walter worked on D1 for years and through sheer passion and perseverance amassed a growing crowd of followers. By 2006 D1 had grown into a strong language that could technically compete head to head with much more established languages such as C++ and Java. However, by that time it had become clear that D1 would not become mainstream because it did not have enough compelling features to make up for the backing that other languages had. At that time Walter decided to make a daring gambit: he decided that D1 would be the mythical throwaway first version, put D1 in maintenance mode, and embarked on a revamped design for the second iteration of the language that had the discretion to break backward compatibility. Current D1 users continued to benefit from bug fixes, but D1 would not add new features; D2 would become the flagship language definition, which I’ll henceforth call D.

The gambit paid off. The first design iteration provided insights into things to do and things to avoid. Also, there was no rush to advertise the new language—newcomers could work with the stable, actively maintained D1. Since compatibility and deadline pressures were not major issues, there was time to analyze design alternatives carefully and to make the right decisions through and through. To further help the design effort, Walter also enlisted the help of collaborators such as Bartosz Milewski and me. Important features pertaining to D’s approach to immutability, generic programming, concurrency, functional programming, safety, and much more were decided in long, animated meetings among the three of us at a coffee shop in Kirkland, WA.

In time, D firmly outgrew its “better C++” moniker and became a powerful multi-purpose language that could gainfully steal work from system-level, enterprise, and scripting languages alike. There was one problem left—all of this growth and innovation has happened in obscurity; little has been documented about the way D approaches programming.

The book you’re now reading attempts to fill that void. I hope you will enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.


D has a long list of contributors that I can’t hope to produce in its entirety. Of these, the participants in the Usenet newsgroup digitalmars.D stand out. The newsgroup has acted as a sounding board for the designs we brought up for scrutiny and also generated many ideas and improvements.

Walter has benefited from community help with defining the reference implementation dmd, and two contributors stand out: Sean Kelly and Don Clugston. Sean has rewritten and improved the core runtime library (including the garbage collector) and has also authored most of D’s concurrency library implementation. He’s very good at what he does, which sadly means that bugs in your concurrent code are more likely to be yours than his. Don is an expert in math in general and floating point numerics issues in particular. He has enormously helped D’s numeric primitives to be some of the best around and has pushed D’s generational abilities to their limit. As soon as the source code for the reference compiler was made available, Don couldn’t resist adding to it, becoming the second-largest dmd contributor. Both Sean and Don initiated and carried through proposals that improved D’s definition. Last but not least, they are awesome hackers all around and very enjoyable to interact with in person and online. I don’t know where the language would be without them.

For this book, I’d like to warmly thank my reviewers for the generosity with which they carried out a difficult and thankless job. Without them this book would not be what it now is (so if you don’t like it, take solace—just imagine how much worse it could have been). So allow me to extend my thanks to Alejandro Aragón, Bill Baxter, Kevin Bealer, Travis Boucher, Mike Casinghino, Àlvaro Castro Castilla, Richard Chang, Don Clugston, Stephan Dilly, Karim Filali, Michel Fortin, David B. Held, Michiel Helvensteijn, Bernard Helyer, Jason House, Sam Hu, Thomas Hume, Graham St. Jack, Robert Jacques, Christian Kamm, Daniel Keep, Mark Kegel, Sean Kelly, Max Khesin, Simen Kjaeraas, Cody Koeninger, Denis Koroskin, Lars Kyllingstad, Igor Lesik, Eugene Letuchy, Pelle Månsson, Miura Masahiro, Tim Matthews, Scott Meyers, Bartosz Milewski, Fawzi Mohamed, Ellery Newcomer, Eric Niebler, Mike Parker, Derek Parnell, Jeremie Pelletier, Pablo Ripolles, Brad Roberts, Michael Rynn, Foy Savas, Christof Schardt, Steve Schveighoffer, Benjamin Shropshire, David Simcha, Tomasz Stachowiak, Robert Stewart, Knut Erik Teigen, Cristian Vlimagesceanu, and Leor Zolman.

Andrei Alexandrescu

Sunday, May 2, 2010

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