

Adidas Albert soccer ball production, 185-186

agile strategy, 198-200

air pollution, 87-89

Air Quality Directive (EU), 87

Albert soccer ball production, 185-186

Alcoa, 235

allocation approach to supply-driven imbalances, 233-234


congestion strategies, 221

Kindle, 253

American Homebrewers Association, 205

anticipatory systems, 153-157


Foxconn assembly plant, 187

mass customization, 205

recycling program, 87

ArcelorMittal, 191

attributes of natural resources, 170-174

heterogeneity, 170-172

renewability, 172-173

scarcity, 173-174

automobile market

Chevrolet Volt, 151-152

Chinese market, 3-4

avoidance approach to supply-driven imbalances, 230-231


Bakken, Henry, 21

Bakken Formation, 21-22, 25-26

Barnes & Noble Nook, 253

batteries, nickel-metal hydride, 228-229

Best Buy, 247-249

Bosnia, 123

BP Deepwater Horizon, 92

Brazil, socioeconomic leveling in, 55-57

BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, China), 55

bridges (U.S.), health of, 211

Burma, 123

Burt’s Bees, 236

business processes

CRM (customer relationship management)

definition of, 13

environmental strategies, 101

geopolitical strategies, 136

global connectivity strategies, 70

population growth and migration strategies, 43

transportation strategies, 216

CSM (customer service management)

definition of, 13

environmental strategies, 101

geopolitical strategies, 136

global connectivity strategies, 70

population growth and migration strategies, 43

DM (demand management)

definition of, 13

environmental strategies, 101

geopolitical strategies, 136

global connectivity strategies, 70

population growth and migration strategies, 43

MFM (manufacturing flow management)

definition of, 13

environmental strategies, 101

geopolitical strategies, 136

global connectivity strategies, 70

population growth and migration strategies, 43

OF (order fulfillment)

definition of, 13

environmental strategies, 101

geopolitical strategies, 136

global connectivity strategies, 70

population growth and migration strategies, 43

PD&C (product development and commercialization), 14

definition of, 14

environmental strategies, 101

geopolitical strategies, 136

global connectivity strategies, 70

population growth and migration strategies, 43

RM (returns management)

definition of, 14

environmental strategies, 101

geopolitical strategies, 136

global connectivity strategies, 70

population growth and migration strategies, 43

SRM (supplier relationship management)

definition of, 13

environmental strategies, 101

geopolitical strategies, 136

global connectivity strategies, 70

population growth and migration strategies, 43

transportation strategies, 216

buy-to-order (BTO), 199


Cadbury, 98

cadmium, 121-122

Calloway, 198

Canada, Saskatchewan River bridge case study, 165-166

capacity shortages, transportation responses to, 220

carbon dioxide emissions, 87

carbon reduction, transportation responses to, 220

“Carmageddon,” 4-5

CarMax, 249

Central African Republic, 35, 123

centralized postponement, 197-198

cerium, 228

CFC (chlorofluorocarbon) chemicals, 84-85

channel imbalances, 261

channel selection, 269-270

Chevrolet Volt, 151-152


air pollution, 88

automobile market, 3-4

commodity hoarding and export restriction, 117-125

Foxconn, 187

increased demand for beef, 64

organic population growth issues, 33-34

public-private partnerships (P3s), 213

steel production, 188-191

chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) chemicals, 84-85

chromium, 121

Circuit City, 247-250, 272-274

Clean Air Act, 87

climate change. See environmental change

Clorox Company, 236

closed-loop supply chain management, 237-239


“coking” coal, 167

known world locations, 121

cobalt, 121


conservation approaches, 235

Plachimada Coca-Cola plant (India)

“coking” coal, 167

commodity hoarding, 117-125

compansion metals, 237

competition, effect on resource scarcity, 179-180

component imbalances, 260

CompUSA, 249

ConAgra Foods, 235

configure-to-order (CTO) manufacturing, 196-197


challenges, 207-208, 220

congestion pricing, 214-215, 220

technologies to diffuse congestion, 221-223

transportation responses, 220

conservation approaches, 235-239

protection, 235-237

resource recovery, 237-239

consolidated shipments, 216-217

consumption of resources, 178-179

copper, 121

Cornucopian philosophy, 32-33

corruption, 126-127

Corruption Perception Index (CPI), 126-127

Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP), 9

counterfeit goods, 128-129

CPI (Corruption Perception Index), 126-127

CRM (customer relationship management)

definition of, 13

environmental strategies, 101

geopolitical strategies, 136

global connectivity strategies, 70

population growth and migration strategies, 43

transportation strategies, 216

CSCMP (Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals), 9

CSM (customer service management)

definition of, 13

environmental strategies, 101

geopolitical strategies, 136

global connectivity strategies, 70

population growth and migration strategies, 43

CSX, 98

CTO (configure-to-order) manufacturing, 196-197

customer differentiation, 266

customer expectations

environmental expectations, 94

manufacturing strategies, 202

supply chain planning, 158

customer preference variation

manufacturing strategies, 202

supply chain planning, 158

customer relationship management. See CRM (customer relationship management)

customer service management. See CSM (customer service management)


dams (U.S.), 212

DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane), 92

decreasing supply. See resource scarcity

degradation of resources, 179

Dell Computer

DSI (Demand-Supply Integration), 156, 254

leagile strategy, 198

demand. See also supply and demand

demand-driven imbalances

channel selection, 269-270

Circuit City case study, 247-250, 272-274

customer differentiation, 266

demand imbalance statuses, 259-262

demand shaping: macro and micro issues, 250-253

DSI (Demand-Supply Integration), 253-272

explained, 247-250

market differentiation, 266-267

network adjustment approach, 264-265

part mix strategy, 267

part substitution, 270

product mix strategy, 268

product substitution, 271-272

quantity adjustment approach, 262-263

substitution approach, 264-265

supply chain selection, 268-269

variety adjustment approach, 263

demand/supply market diffusion

manufacturing strategies, 202

supply chain planning, 158

impact of population change on, 25-27

Cornucopian philosophy, 32-33

Malthusian philosophy, 27-31

Neo-Malthusian philosophy, 31

independent versus dependent demand, 258-259

supply chain planning considerations, 157-163

uncertainty, 149-151

demand management. See DM (demand management)

demand-driven imbalances

channel selection, 269-270

Circuit City case study, 247-250, 272-274

customer differentiation, 266

demand imbalance statuses, 259-262

demand shaping: macro and micro issues, 250-253

DSI (Demand-Supply Integration), 253-272

benefits of, 254-258

demand shaping: macro and micro issues, 250-253

independent versus dependent demand, 258-259

mitigation strategies, 262-272

explained, 247-250

market differentiation, 266-267

network adjustment approach, 264-265

part mix strategy, 267

part substitution, 270

product mix strategy, 268

product substitution, 271-272

quantity adjustment approach, 262-263

substitution approach, 265-266

supply chain selection, 268-269

variety adjustment approach, 263

Demand-Supply Integration. See DSI (Demand-Supply Integration)

Democratic Republic of the Congo, 123

dependent demand, 258-259

dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT), 92


customer differentiation, 266

market differentiation, 266-267

discovery of new resources, 175-176

distance friction, 209-212

DM (demand management)

definition of, 13

environmental strategies, 101

geopolitical strategies, 136

global connectivity strategies, 70

population growth and migration strategies, 43

Dow, 99

Drucker, Peter, 11

DSI (Demand-Supply Integration), 253-272

benefits of, 254-258

Dell Computer case study, 156

demand imbalance statuses, 259-262

demand shaping: macro and micro issues, 250-253

explained, 11-12

independent versus dependent demand, 258-259

mitigation strategies, 262-272

channel selection, 269-270

customer differentiation, 266

market differentiation, 266-267

network adjustment approach, 264-265

part mix strategy, 267

part substitution, 270

product mix strategy, 268

product substitution, 271-272

quantity adjustment approach, 262-263

substitution approach, 265-266

supply chain selection, 268-269

variety adjustment approach, 263

Duke, Mike, 94

DuPont Chemical, 84-85

dysprosium, 169


Easter Island, effect of population growth on available resources, 29

economic impact of manufacturing, 186-191

economic leveling

Brazil, 55-57

challenges, 68

SCM (supply chain management)

analysis, 76-82

CRM (customer relationship management), 70

CSM (customer service management), 70

DM (demand management), 70

MFM (manufacturing flow management), 70

OF (order fulfillment), 70

PD&C (product development and commercialization), 70

RM (returns management), 70

SRM (supplier relationship management), 70

Egypt, consumer demand in, 65

Ehrlich, Anne, 30-31

Ehrlich, Paul, 30-31

employment approaches to supply-driven imbalances, 230-235

allocation, 233-234

avoidance, 230-231

logistics, 232

sustainment, 234-235

environmental change

air pollution, 87-89

environmental pressures on supply chains, 93

customer demand, 94

environmental regulatory considerations, 98-99

public/social impacts, 97-98

supply capability, 95-97

manufacturing strategies, 202

overview, 83-86,

ozone depletion, 83-85

SCM (supply chain management)

analysis, 106-110

challenges, 99-106

CRM (customer relationship management), 101

CSM (customer service management), 101

DM (demand management), 101

MFM (manufacturing flow management), 101

OF (order fulfillment), 101

PD&C (product development and commercialization), 101

RM (returns management), 101

SRM (supplier relationship management), 101

soil contamination, 93

from spent materials, 87

water pollution, 90-92

environmental pressures on supply chains, 93

customer demand, 94

environmental regulatory considerations, 98-99

public/social impacts, 97-98

supply capability, 95-97

environmental regulatory considerations, 98-99

Essay on the Principle of Population (Malthus), 27

Ethiopia, consumer demand in, 65

E.U. Air Quality Directive, 87

europium, 169

Exel/DHL, 204

export restriction, 117-125

Exxon Mobil

conservation approaches, 237

Exxon Valdez oil spill, 92


finished-good imbalances, 260

fit imbalances, 261

flexworks, 36, 162

Florida, Richard, 61

Flyknit Racer (Nike), 218

forces driving resource scarcity, 174-180

competition, 179-180

consumption, 178-179

discovery, 175-176

recovery, 177

resource base degradation, 179

resource base reclamation, 178

resource scarcity dynamics, 174

substitution, 176-177

Ford Motor Company

Chinese dealerships, 4

Recycle Your Ride program, 87

forecasting, 50

forward-positioned postponement, 196

Foxconn, 187

fracking, 22

freon, 84

friction of distance, 209-212

Friedman, Thomas, 60-62

fruit-growing industry (U.S.), 242

functionally obsolete bridges, 211

futurism, 7-9


Gabon, 123

gallium, 173, 237


change in GDP, 1995-2010, 60

global GDP 1995-2000 means, 57

global GDP 2025 (projected), 63

global GDP 2011, 59

GE (General Electric), resource scarcity mitigation strategies, 183-184, 245-246

General Motors

DSI (Demand-Supply Integration), 255-256

employment approaches to supply-driven imbalances, 231

General Motors Chemical Company, 84

genetically modified organisms (GMOs), 204

geopolitical disruption

commodity hoarding and export restriction, 117-125

government risks and considerations, 125-129

corruption, 126-127

counterfeit and knockoff trade, 128-129

nationalizations, 127-128

immigration issues, 115


and resource scarcity, 169

SCM (supply chain management)

analysis, 135-146

challenges, 132-135

CRM (customer relationship management), 136

CSM (customer service management), 136

DM (demand management), 136

MFM (manufacturing flow management), 136

OF (order fulfillment), 136

PD&C (product development and commercialization), 136

RM (returns management), 136

SRM (supplier relationship management), 136

tangible and virtual intentional disruptions, 129-132

U.S.-Mexican border issues, 111-117

Georgia Pacific, 235

Ghemawat, Pankaj, 37, 61

GHGs (greenhouse gases), 85

“global citizens,” 38

global connectivity, 55-57

challenges, 68

overview, 55-57

reality of globalization, 57-67

SCM (supply chain management)

analysis, 76-82

CRM (customer relationship management), 70

CSM (customer service management), 70

DM (demand management), 70

MFM (manufacturing flow management), 70

OF (order fulfillment), 70

PD&C (product development and commercialization), 70

RM (returns management), 70

SRM (supplier relationship management), 70

socioeconomic leveling, 55-57

global GDP

change in GDP, 1995-2010, 60

global GDP 1995-2000 means, 57

global GDP 2011, 59

global GDP 2025 (projected), 63

global population growth. See population growth

Global Supply Chain Forum (GSCF) framework, 12-15

globalization, 57-67

GM. See General Motors

GMOs (genetically modified organisms), 204

gold, 121-122

goods/services production. See manufacturing

government risks and considerations, 125-129

corruption, 126-127

counterfeit and knockoff trade, 128-129

“great operational divide,” 11

Great Pacific Garbage Patch, 92

greenhouse gases (GHGs), 85

Greenpeace UK, 98

growth of population. See population growth

GSCF (Global Supply Chain Forum) framework, 12-15. See also business processes


Hamilton, Anita, 247

HCFCs (hydrochlorofluorocarbons), 85

heterogeneity, 170-172

Hewlett-Packard, CTO (configure-to-order) manufacturing, 197

HFCs (hydrofluorocarbons), 85

Hitachi, Ltd., 238

hitchhiker metals, 237

hoarding of commodities, 117-125

Honda Motors

partnership with Japanese Metals & Chemicals, 228-229

resource scarcity mitigation strategies, 228-229

Hot, Flat, and Crowded (Friedman), 60-62

hybrid automobiles, use of rare-earth minerals in, 228-229

hydraulically fracturing, 22

hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs), 85

hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), 85


I-35 Bridge (Minneapolis, MN), 211

I-405 construction project (LA), 4-5


demand-driven imbalances

channel selection, 269-270

Circuit City case study, 247-250, 272-274

customer differentiation, 266

demand imbalance statuses, 259-262

demand shaping: macro and micro issues, 250-253

DSI (Demand-Supply Integration), 253-272

explained, 247-250

market differentiation, 266-267

network adjustment approach, 264-265

part mix strategy, 267

part substitution, 270

product mix strategy, 268

product substitution, 271-272

quantity adjustment approach, 262-263

substitution approach, 265-266

supply chain selection, 268-269

variety adjustment approach, 263

supply-driven imbalances

conservation approaches, 235-239

employment approaches, 230-235

explained, 227-229

resource scarcity mitigation strategies for supply chain, 240-246

immigration issues, 115

importance of SCM (supply chain management), 10

independent demand, 258-259


cultural and demographic differences, xiv

logistical complexities, xiv-xv

luxury-goods sales, 160-161

Plachimada Coca-Cola plant, xv-xvii

indium, 121, 173

intelligent vehicle highway system (IVHS) technology, 222-223

intermodal transportation, 217-218

International Paper, 235-236

iron ore, 121

IVHS (intelligent vehicle highway system) technology, 222-223


Japanese Metals & Chemicals, partnership with Honda Motors, 228-229

Japanese rare-earth metal conservation, 237

Jones, Daniel, 194

JSW Steel, 167


Kane Is Able, 204

Kazakhstan, 123

Kindle, 253

knockoff goods, 128-129

Kyrgyzstan, 123


labor shortages, transportation responses to, 220

Lafley, A. G., 96

landfills, 87

lanthanum, 228

lead, 121, 173

leagile strategy, 197-198

Lean Manufacturing, 194-195

lean pull (agile) strategy, 197-200

lean push strategy, 193-197, 200

lean systems, 257

LeanCor, 204

Liberty Linehaul West, 5

lithium, 121, 234

local versus global scarcity, 174

lock-and-dam system (U.S.), 212

logistics. See transportation

Logistics Performance Index (LPI), 210

Los Angeles I-405 construction project, 4-5

Lowe’s, 254

LPI (Logistics Performance Index), 210

Lucas, George, 8

Luxembourg, steel production in, 191


MacNeill, Charles M., 227

magnesium, 121

make-to-order (MTO), 198-199

Mali, 123

Malthus, Thomas, 27

Malthusian philosophy, 27-31


Adidas Albert soccer ball production, 185-186

competition between humans and machines, 185-186

economic impact of, 186-191

manufacturing strategies for production managers, 201-206

manufacturing-driven supply chain strategies, 191-200

leagile strategy, 197-198

lean pull (agile) strategy, 198-199

lean push strategy, 193-197

pure push strategy, 192-194

synchronized push strategy, 193

table of, 200

MFM (manufacturing flow management)

definition of, 13

environmental strategies, 101

geopolitical strategies, 136

global connectivity strategies, 70

population growth and migration strategies, 43

manufacturing flow management. See MFM (manufacturing flow management)

market differentiation, 266-267

mass customization, 196

materials substitution, 176-177

McDonald’s Corp., 163

McNeil, J. R., 85

mercury, 121-122


General Electric (GE) discretion strategy for rhenium, 245-246

Honda resource scarcity mitigation strategies, 228-229

recovery initiatives, 237-239

resource scarcity, 167-169

resource-rich but underdeveloped nations, 123

scarce nonrenewable resources and known world locations, 121

steel production, 188-191

top exporters of semifinished and finished steel products, 1991-2010, 190

top ten nations in crude steel production, 1991-2011, 189

Mexico-U.S. border issues, 111-117

MFM (manufacturing flow management)

definition of, 13

environmental strategies, 101

geopolitical strategies, 136

global connectivity strategies, 70

population growth and migration strategies, 43

Midgely, Thomas Jr., 84

migration-induced population growth

impact on demand and supply, 25-27

supply chain management strategies

analysis, 41-53

challenges, 41-42

CSM (customer service management), 43

DM (demand management), 43

MFM (manufacturing flow management), 43

OF (order fulfillment), 43

PD&C (product development and commercialization), 43

RM (returns management), 43

SRM (supplier relationship management), 43

supply chain problems created by, 36-41

urbanization of world population, 39-41

Williston, North Dakota example, 21-26

MillerCoors, 235

Minneapolis (MN), collapse of I-35 Bridge, 211

Minnesota, collapse of I-35 Bridge, 211

mitigating risk. See risk mitigation

molybdenum, 121

Montana, population growth in Richland County, 25-26

Mrs. Crosby’s (Ciudad AcuÒa, Mexico), 111-114

MTO (make-to-order), 198-199


Namibia, 123

nationalizations, 127-128

natural disasters, transportation responses to, 220

natural gas, 121

natural resource attributes, 170-174

heterogeneity, 170-172

renewability, 172-173

scarcity, 173-174

neodymium, General Electric (GE) discretion strategy for, 246

Neo-Malthusian philosophy, 31

network adjustment approach (demand-imbalance mitigation), 264-265

nickel, 121, 174

nickel-metal hydride batteries, 228-229

Niger, 35

Nigeria, consumer demand in, 65

Nike Flyknit Racer, 218

Nissan Motor Co., Ltd., 167

Nokia, 18

Nook, 253

North Dakota, population growth in Williston, 21-26


OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development), 89

OF (order fulfillment)

definition of, 13

environmental strategies, 101

geopolitical strategies, 136

global connectivity strategies, 70

population growth and migration strategies, 43

The Ohio State University, Global Supply Chain Forum (GSCF) framework, 12-15

oil, 121

order fulfillment. See OF (order fulfillment)

organic population growth

impact on demand and supply, 25-27

Cornucopian philosophy, 32-33

Malthusian philosophy, 27-31

Neo-Malthusian philosophy, 31

MFM (manufacturing flow management), 43

population growth rate by country, 29

strain on economic systems, 24

supply chain management strategies

analysis, 41-53

challenges, 41-42

CSM (customer service management), 43

DM (demand management), 43

OF (order fulfillment), 43

PD&C (product development and commercialization), 43

RM (returns management), 43

SRM (supplier relationship management), 43

supply chain problems created by, 33-36

world population growth and projections, 27-28

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), 89

ozone depletion, 83-85


P3s (public-private partnerships), 213-215

PAHs (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons), 92


Adidas soccer ball production, 185-186

consumer demand in, 65

part mix strategy, 267

part substitution, 270

parts line imbalances, 260-261

passenger pigeons, 234-235

PD&C (product development and commercialization)

definition of, 14

environmental strategies, 101

geopolitical strategies, 136

global connectivity strategies, 70

population growth and migration strategies, 43

PDCBs (polychlorinated biphenyl), 92

Peapod, 221

Penrose, Spencer, 227

Pepsico, 235

performance, improving with supply chain planning, 151-152


Bakken Formation, 21-22

resource-rich but underdeveloped nations, 123

phosphate rock, 121

physical environment. See environmental change

pigeons, passenger, 234-235

pirated goods, 128-129

Plachimada, India Coca-Cola plant, xv-xvii

planning. See supply chain planning

platinum, 121, 173


air pollution, 87-89

soil contamination, 93

polychlorinated biphenyl (PCBs), 92

polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), 92

The Population Bomb (Ehrlich and Ehrlich), 30

population growth

impact on demand and supply, 25-27

Cornucopian philosophy, 32-33

Malthusian philosophy, 27-31

Neo-Malthusian philosophy, 31

migration-induced population growth

supply chain problems created by, 36-41

urbanization of world population, 39-41

Williston, North Dakota example, 21-26

organic population growth

population growth rate by country, 29

strain on economic systems, 24

supply chain problems created by, 33-36

world population growth and projections, 27-28

overview, 55-57

supply chain management strategies

analysis, 41-53

challenges, 41-42

CRM (customer relationship management), 43

CSM (customer service management), 43

DM (demand management), 43

MFM (manufacturing flow management), 43

OF (order fulfillment), 43

PD&C (product development and commercialization), 43

RM (returns management), 43

SRM (supplier relationship management), 43

postponement strategies, 155

centralized postponement, 197-198

forward-positioned postponement, 196

praseodymium, 228

processes. See business processes

Procter & Gamble, 96

procurement managers. See also resource scarcity

scarcity strategies for, 180-181

sourcing and procurement responses to resource scarcity through 2030, 182-184

product convolution

manufacturing strategies, 202

supply chain planning, 158, 163

product development and commercialization. See PD&C (product development and commercialization)

product line imbalances, 260

product mix strategy, 268

product substitution, 271-272

production closer to consumption points, 218

production managers, 201-206. See also manufacturing

protection initiatives to supply-driven imbalances, 235-237

public-private partnerships (P3s), 213-215

public/social impacts on environmental change, 97-98

pure push strategy, 192-194, 200


quantity adjustment approach (demand-imbalance mitigation), 262-263

rail transportation, 217-218

rare-earth metals

Chinese market control of, 118

General Electric (GE) discretion strategy for rhenium, 245-246

geopolitical risks, 169

Honda resource scarcity mitigation strategies, 228-229

recovery initiatives, 237-239

resource-rich but underdeveloped nations, 123

reclamation, 178

recovering resources, 177, 237-239

Recycle Your Ride program (Ford), 87

recycling, 87, 177, 237-239

regulation, environmental regulatory considerations, 98-99

renewable resources, 168, 172-173

resource base degradation, 179

resource base reclamation, 178

resource recovery, 177, 237-239

resource scarcity. See also supply-driven imbalances

dynamic nature of, 169

forces driving resource scarcity, 174-180

competition, 179-180

consumption, 178-179

discovery, 175-176

recovery, 177

resource base degradation, 179

resource base reclamation, 178

resource scarcity dynamics, 174

substitution, 176-177

GE (General Electric) case study, 183-184

geopolitical risks, 169

local versus global scarcity, 174

natural resource attributes, 170-174

heterogeneity, 170-172

renewability, 172-173

scarcity, 173-174

quality shortages, 167

quantity shortages, 166-167

relationship with geography, 167-168

renewable resources, 168

Saskatchewan River bridge case study, 165-166

scarcity strategies for procurement/supply managers, 180-181

sourcing and procurement responses to resource scarcity through 2030, 182-184

resource-rich but underdeveloped nations, 123

responsive systems, 155

restricted exports, 117-125

returns management. See RM (returns management)

rhenium, General Electric (GE) discretion strategy for, 245-246

Richland County (MT), population growth, 25-26

right-sizing demand, 252-253

Rio Tinto, 227, 236

risk mitigation

demand-driven imbalances

channel selection, 269-270

Circuit City case study, 247-250, 272-274

customer differentiation, 266

demand imbalance statuses, 259-262

demand shaping: macro and micro issues, 250-253

DSI (Demand-Supply Integration), 253-272

explained, 247-250

market differentiation, 266-267

network adjustment approach, 264-265

part mix strategy, 267

part substitution, 270

product mix strategy, 268

product substitution, 271-272

quantity adjustment approach, 262-263

substitution approach, 265-266

supply chain selection, 268-269

variety adjustment approach, 263

overview, 18-19

supply-driven imbalances

conservation approaches, 235-239

employment approaches, 230-235

explained, 227-229

General Electric (GE) case study, 245-246

Honda case study, 228-229

recommended practices, 244

resource scarcity mitigation strategies for supply chain, 240-246

RM (returns management)

definition of, 14

environmental strategies, 101

geopolitical strategies, 136

global connectivity strategies, 70

population growth and migration strategies, 43

RoadRailer technology, 217-218

Roddenberry, Gene, 8

Royal Ahold, Peapod, 221

Ryder, 204


scarce resources, 180-184. See also resource scarcity

SCM (supply chain management)

21st century challenges, 3-7

definition of, 9-10

Demand-Supply Integration (DSI) framework, 11-12

environmental pressures on supply chains, 93

customer demand, 94

environmental regulatory considerations, 98-99

public/social impacts, 97-98

supply capability, 95-97

environmental strategies

analysis, 106-110

challenges, 99-106

CRM (customer relationship management), 101

CSM (customer service management), 101

DM (demand management), 101

MFM (manufacturing flow management), 101

OF (order fulfillment), 101

PD&C (product development and commercialization), 101

RM (returns management), 101

SRM (supplier relationship management), 101

flexworks, 36

futurism, 7-9

geopolitical strategies

analysis, 135-146

challenges, 132-135

CRM (customer relationship management), 136

CSM (customer service management), 136

DM (demand management), 136

MFM (manufacturing flow management), 136

OF (order fulfillment), 136

PD&C (product development and commercialization), 136

RM (returns management), 136

SRM (supplier relationship management), 136

global connectivity strategies

analysis, 76-82

CRM (customer relationship management), 70

CSM (customer service management), 70

DM (demand management), 70

MFM (manufacturing flow management), 70

OF (order fulfillment), 70

PD&C (product development and commercialization), 70

RM (returns management), 70

SRM (supplier relationship management), 70

Global Supply Chain Forum (GSCF) framework, 12-15

importance of, 10

manufacturing strategies for production managers, 201-206

manufacturing-driven supply chain strategies, 191-200

leagile strategy, 197-198

lean pull (agile) strategy, 198-199

lean push strategy, 193-197

pure push strategy, 192-194

synchronized push strategy, 193

table of, 200

overview, 55-57

population growth and migration strategies

analysis, 41-53

challenges, 41-42

CRM (customer relationship management), 43

CSM (customer service management), 43

DM (demand management), 43

MFM (manufacturing flow management), 43

migration-induced population growth issues, 36-41

OF (order fulfillment), 43

organic population growth issues, 33-36

PD&C (product development and commercialization), 43

RM (returns management), 43

SRM (supplier relationship management), 43

risk mitigation. See risk mitigation

scarcity strategies. See also resource scarcity

sourcing and procurement responses to resource scarcity through 2030, 182-184

strategies for procurement resource managers, 180-181

supply chain planning

anticipatory systems, 153-157

Chevrolet case study, 151-152

explained, 153-157

improving performance with, 151-153

macrotrend demand/supply impacts, 157-163

need for, 149-151

postponement strategies, 155

responsive systems, 155

transportation strategies

congestion challenges, 207-208, 220

congestion pricing, 214-215, 220

consolidated shipments, 216-217

CRM (customer relationship management), 216

friction of distance, 209-212

intermodal transportation, 217-218

macrotrend impacts and transportation responses, 220

production closer to consumption points, 218

public-private partnerships (P3s), 213-215

shared distribution models, 216

SRM (supplier relationship management), 216

technologies to diffuse congestion, 221-223

U.S. transportation infrastructure, 210-212

SCOR (Supply Chain Operations Reference) model, 150

Seacom, 66


channel selection, 269-270

supply chain selection, 268-269

shale formations, drilling in, 21-22

shaping demand, 250-253

shared distribution models, 216

Sialkot (Pakistan), Adidas soccer ball production in, 185-186

silver, 121, 173

Simon, Julian, 32

social systems disruptions

commodity hoarding and export restriction, 117-125

government risks and considerations, 125-129

corruption, 126-127

counterfeit and knockoff trade, 128-129

nationalizations, 127-128

immigration issues, 115

SCM (supply chain management)

analysis, 135-146

challenges, 132-135

CRM (customer relationship management), 136

CSM (customer service management), 136

DM (demand management), 136

MFM (manufacturing flow management), 136

OF (order fulfillment), 136

PD&C (product development and commercialization), 136

RM (returns management), 136

SRM (supplier relationship management), 136

tangible and virtual intentional disruptions, 129-132

U.S.-Mexican border issues, 111-117

socioeconomic leveling

Brazil, 55-57

challenges, 68

SCM (supply chain management)

analysis, 76-82

CRM (customer relationship management), 70

CSM (customer service management), 70

DM (demand management), 70

MFM (manufacturing flow management), 70

OF (order fulfillment), 70

PD&C (product development and commercialization), 70

RM (returns management), 70

SRM (supplier relationship management), 70

soil contamination, 93

sourcing. See resource scarcity

Southwest Airlines, 233

Spumoni, 5

SRM (supplier relationship management)

definition of, 13

environmental strategies, 101

geopolitical strategies, 136

global connectivity strategies, 70

population growth and migration strategies, 43

transportation strategies, 216

Stanolind Oil and Gas, 21

Star Trek, 8

Star Wars, 8


production of, 188-191

top exporters of semifinished and finished steel products, 1991-2010, 190

top ten nations in crude steel production, 1991-2011, 189

resource scarcity, 167

Sterling, Eric, 115

“Strategy for Ensuring Stable Supplies of Rare Metals,” 237

structurally deficient bridges, 211

substitution approach

materials substitution, 176-177

part substitution, 270

product substitution, 271-272

substitution approach (demand-imbalance mitigation), 265-266

Sudan, conflict in, 130

supplier relationship management. See SRM (supplier relationship management)

supply and demand

demand-driven imbalances

channel selection, 269-270

Circuit City case study, 247-250, 272-274

customer differentiation, 266

demand imbalance statuses, 259-262

demand shaping: macro and micro issues, 250-253

DSI (Demand-Supply Integration), 253-272

explained, 247-250

market differentiation, 266-267

network adjustment approach, 264-265

part mix strategy, 267

part substitution, 270

product mix strategy, 268

product substitution, 271-272

quantity adjustment approach, 262-263

substitution approach, 264-265

supply chain selection, 268-269

variety adjustment approach, 263

demand/supply market diffusion

manufacturing strategies, 202

supply chain planning, 158

impact of population change on, 25-27

Cornucopian philosophy, 32-33

Malthusian philosophy, 27-31

Neo-Malthusian philosophy, 31

independent versus dependent demand, 258-259

resource scarcity, Saskatchewan River bridge case study, 165-166

resource-rich but underdeveloped nations, 123

scarce nonrenewable resources and known world locations, 121

supply chain planning considerations, 157-163

supply-driven imbalances

conservation approaches, 235-239

employment approaches, 230-235

explained, 227-229

General Electric (GE) case study, 245-246

Honda case study, 228-229

recommended practices, 244

resource scarcity mitigation strategies for supply chain, 240-246

uncertainty, 149-151

supply capability, environmental impact of, 95-97

supply chain “flexworks,” 36, 162

supply chain imbalances, 261

supply chain management. See SCM (supply chain management)

Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) model, 150

supply chain planning

anticipatory systems, 153-157

Chevrolet case study, 151-152

explained, 153-157

improving performance with, 151-153

macrotrend demand/supply impacts, 157-163

need for, 149-151

postponement strategies, 155

responsive systems, 155

supply chain selection, 268-269

supply managers. See also resource scarcity

scarcity strategies for, 180-181

sourcing and procurement responses to resource scarcity through 2030, 182-184

supply-driven imbalances

conservation approaches, 235-239

protection, 235-237

resource recovery, 237-239

employment approaches, 230-235

allocation, 233-234

avoidance, 230-231

logistics, 232

sustainment, 234-235

explained, 227-229

General Electric (GE) case study, 245-246

Honda case study, 228-229

recommended practices, 244

resource scarcity mitigation strategies for supply chain, 240-246

resource-rich but underdeveloped nations, 123

scarce nonrenewable resources and known world locations, 121

sustainment approach to supply-driven imbalances, 234-235

synchronized push strategy, 193, 200


tangible and virtual intentional disruptions, 129-132

Target, 249

TaylorMade, 198

TEL (tetraethyl lead), 84

tellurium, 121-122

terrorism, 129-132

tetraethyl lead (TEL), 84

3M Corporation, 231, 236

titanium, 121

TOFC (trailer on flatcar), 217

top exporters of semifinished and finished steel products, 1991-2010, 190

top ten nations in crude steel production, 1991-2011, 189

Toyota, 18, 194-195, 231, 234, 255

trailer on flatcar (TOFC), 217

transportation, 207-208


challenges, 207-208, 220

congestion pricing, 214-215, 220

technologies to diffuse congestion, 221-223

friction of distance, 209-212

logistics approach to supply-driven imbalances, 232

public-private partnerships (P3s), 213-215

supply chain management strategies

consolidated shipments, 216-217

CRM (customer relationship management), 216

intermodal transportation, 217-218

macrotrend impacts and transportation responses, 220

production closer to consumption points, 218

shared distribution models, 216

SRM (supplier relationship management), 216

transportation capability dependence, 232

U.S. transportation infrastructure

health of, 211

inventory, 210-211

lock-and-dam system, 212

political gridlock, 212

tuna market, 232

tungsten, 121-122

Tutt, Charles L. Sr., 227

21st century challenges, 3-7


U.K., Resource Scarcity Action Plan, 238

The Ultimate Resource (Simon), 32

uncertainty, 149-151

University of Tennessee Demand-Supply Integration (DSI) framework. See DSI (Demand-Supply Integration)

UPS, 204

urbanization of world population, 39-41


Clean Air Act, 87

fruit-growing industry, 242

public-private partnerships (P3s), 213

rare-earth metal conservation, 238

steel production, 188-191

transportation infrastructure

health of, 211

inventory, 210-211

lock-and-dam system, 212

political gridlock, 212

U.S.-Mexican border issues, 111-117

Utah Copper Company, 227

utility imbalances, 261

UV-B radiation, 83

UV-C radiation, 83


variety adjustment approach (demand-imbalance mitigation), 263

viable market emergence

manufacturing strategies, 202

supply chain planning, 158

virtual intentional disruptions, 129-132

Volkswagen UK, 98

Volt (Chevrolet), 151-152


Walmart, 94, 247-249

water pollution, 90-92

Whirlpool, 254

Williston (ND), population growth in, 21-26

WIP (work-in-progress) inventory, 197

Womack, James, 194

work-in-process (WIP) inventory, 197

World Bank’s Logistics Performance Index (LPI), 210

The World Is Flat (Friedman), 60-62

world population growth and projections, 27-28

World Trade Organization (WTO), 252


“zero waste” approach, 236

Zimbabwe, 35

zinc, 121

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