To replicas or not to replicas in Deployments and StatefulSets?

Knowing that HorizontalPodAutoscaler (HPA) manages auto-scaling of our applications, the question might arise regarding replicas. Should we define them in our Deployments and StatefulSets, or should we rely solely on HPA to manage them? Instead of answering that question directly, we'll explore different combinations and, based on results, define the strategy.

First, let's see how many Pods we have in our cluster right now.

 1  kubectl -n go-demo-5 get pods

The output is as follows.

api-... 1/1   Running 0        27m
api-... 1/1   Running 2        31m
db-0    2/2   Running 0        20m
db-1    2/2   Running 0        20m
db-2    2/2   Running 0        21m

We can see that there are two replicas of the api Deployment, and three replicas of the db StatefulSets.

Let's say that we want to roll out a new release of our go-demo-5 application. The definition we'll use is as follows.

 1  cat scaling/go-demo-5-replicas-10.yml

The output, limited to the relevant parts, is as follows.

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: api
  namespace: go-demo-5
  replicas: 10
apiVersion: autoscaling/v2beta1 kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler metadata: name: api namespace: go-demo-5 spec: scaleTargetRef: apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment name: api minReplicas: 2 maxReplicas: 5 metrics: - type: Resource resource: name: cpu targetAverageUtilization: 80 - type: Resource resource: name: memory targetAverageUtilization: 80

The important thing to note is that our api Deployment has 10 replicas and that we have the HPA. Everything else is the same as it was before.

What will happen if we apply that definition?

 1  kubectl apply 
 2    -f scaling/go-demo-5-replicas-10.yml
3 4 kubectl -n go-demo-5 get pods

We applied the new definition and retrieved all the Pods from the go-demo-5 Namespace. The output of the latter command is as follows.

api-... 1/1   Running           0        9s
api-... 0/1   ContainerCreating 0        9s
api-... 0/1   ContainerCreating 0        9s
api-... 1/1   Running           2        41m
api-... 1/1   Running           0        22s
api-... 0/1   ContainerCreating 0        9s
api-... 0/1   ContainerCreating 0        9s
api-... 1/1   Running           0        9s
api-... 1/1   Running           0        9s
api-... 1/1   Running           0        9s
db-0    2/2   Running           0        31m
db-1    2/2   Running           0        31m
db-2    2/2   Running           0        31m

Kubernetes complied with our desire to have ten replicas of the api and created eight Pods (we had two before). At the first look, it seems that HPA does not have any effect. Let's retrieve the Pods one more time.

 1  kubectl -n go-demo-5 get pods

The output is as follows.

api-... 1/1   Running 0        30s
api-... 1/1   Running 2        42m
api-... 1/1   Running 0        43s
api-... 1/1   Running 0        30s
api-... 1/1   Running 0        30s
db-0    2/2   Running 0        31m
db-1    2/2   Running 0        32m
db-2    2/2   Running 0        32m

Our Deployment de-scaled from ten to five replicas. HPA detected that there are more replicas then the maximum threshold and acted accordingly. But what did it do? Did it simply remove five replicas? That could not be the case since that would only have a temporary effect. If HPA removes or adds Pods, Deployment would also remove or add Pods, and the two would be fighting with each other. The number of Pods would be fluctuating indefinitely. Instead, HPA modified the Deployment.

Let's describe the api.

 1  kubectl -n go-demo-5 
 2    describe deployment api

The output, limited to the relevant parts, is as follows.

Replicas: 5 desired | 5 updated | 5 total | 5 available | 0 unavailable
... Message
... -------
... Scaled up replica set api-5bbfd85577 to 10
... Scaled down replica set api-5bbfd85577 to 5

The number of replicas is set to 5 desired. HPA modified our Deployment. We can observe that better through the event messages. The second to last states that the number of replicas was scaled up to 10, while the last message indicates that it scaled down to 5. The former is the result of us executing rolling update by applying the new Deployment, while the latter was produced by HPA modifying the Deployment by changing its number of replicas.

So far, we observed that HPA modifies our Deployments. No matter how many replicas we defined in a Deployment (or a StatefulSets), HPA will change it to fit its own thresholds and calculations. In other words, when we update a Deployment, the number of replicas will be temporarily changed to whatever we have defined, only to be modified again by HPA a few moments later. That behavior is unacceptable.

If HPA changed the number of replicas, there is usually a good reason for that. Resetting that number to whatever is set in a Deployment (or a StatetefulSet) can produce serious side-effect.

Let's say that we have three replicas defined in a Deployment and that HPA scaled it to thirty because there is an increased load on that application. If we apply the Deployment because we want to roll out a new release, for a brief period, there will be three replicas, instead of thirty.

As a result, our users would experience slow response times from our application, or some other effect caused by too few replicas serving too much traffic. We must try to avoid such a situation. The number of replicas should be controlled by HPA at all times. That means we'll need to change our strategy.

If specifying the number of replicas in a Deployment does not produce the effect we want, we might just as well remove them altogether. Let's see what happens in that case.

We'll use go-demo-5.yml definition, so let's see how it differs from go-demo-5-replicas-10.yml that we used previously.

 1  diff 
 2    scaling/go-demo-5-replicas-10.yml 
 3    scaling/go-demo-5.yml

The output shows that the only difference is that, this time, we are not specifying the number of replicas.

Let's apply the change and see what happens.

 1  kubectl apply 
 2    -f scaling/go-demo-5.yml
3 4 kubectl -n go-demo-5 5 describe deployment api

The output of the latter command, limited to the relevant parts, is as follows.

Replicas: 1 desired | 5 updated | 5 total | 5 available | 0 unavailable
... Message
... -------
... Scaled down replica set api-5bbfd85577 to 5
... Scaled down replica set api-5bbfd85577 to 1

Applying the Deployment without replicas resulted in 1 desired. Sure, HPA will scale it up to 2 (its minimum) soon enough, but we still failed in our mission to maintain the number of replicas defined by HPA at all times.

What else can we do? No matter whether we define our Deployment with or without replicas, the result is the same. Applying the Deployment always cancels the effect of the HPA, even when we do NOT specify replicas.

Actually, that statement is incorrect. We can accomplish the desired behavior without replicas if we know how the whole process works.

If replicas is defined for a Deployment, it will be used every time we apply a definition. If we change the definition by removing replicas, the Deployment will think that we want to have one, instead of the number of replicas we had before. But, if we never specify the number of replicas, they will be entirely controlled by HPA.

Let's test it out.

 1  kubectl delete -f scaling/go-demo-5.yml

We deleted everything related to the go-demo-5 application. Now, let's test how the Deployment behaves if replicas is not defined from the start.

 1  kubectl apply 
 2    -f scaling/go-demo-5.yml
3 4 kubectl -n go-demo-5 5 describe deployment api

The output of the latter command, limited to the relevant parts, is as follows.

Replicas: 1 desired | 1 updated | 1 total | 0 available | 1 unavailable

Seems that we failed. The Deployment did set the number of replicas to 1. But, what you cannot see, is that replicas are not defined internally.

Nevertheless, a few moments later, our Deployment will be scaled up by HPA to two replicas. That is the expected behavior, but we'll confirm it anyway.

 1  kubectl -n go-demo-5 
 2    describe deployment api

You should see from the output that the number of replicas was changed (by HPA) to 2.

Now comes the final test. If we make a new release of the Deployment, will it scale down to 1 replica, or will it stay on 2?

We'll apply a new definition. The only difference, when compared with the one currently running, is in the tag of the image. That way we'll guarantee that the Deployment will be indeed updated.

 1  kubectl apply 
 2    -f scaling/go-demo-5-2-5.yml
3 4 kubectl -n go-demo-5 5 describe deployment api

The output of the latter command, limited to the relevant parts, is as follows.

Replicas: 2 desired | 1 updated | 3 total | 2 available | 1 unavailable
... Message
... -------
... Scaled up replica set api-5bbfd85577 to 1
... Scaled up replica set api-5bbfd85577 to 2
... Scaled up replica set api-745bc9fc6d to 1

We can see that the number of replicas, set by the HPA, is preserved.

Don't be alarmed if you see in the events that the number of replicas was scaled to 1. That's the second ReplicaSet spin up by the Deployment. You can see that by observing the name of the ReplicaSet. The Deployment is doing rolling updates by joggling two ReplicaSets in the attempt to roll out the new release without downtime. That is unrelated to auto-scaling, and I assume that you already know how rolling updates work. If you don't, you know where to learn it.

Now comes the critical question. How should we define replicas in Deployments and StatefulSets?

If you plan to use HPA with a Deployment or a StatefulSet, do NOT declare replicas. If you do, each rolling update will cancel the effect of the HPA for a while. Define replicas only for the resources that are NOT used in conjunction with HPA.
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