
Although only one name appears on the spine of this book, it takes a team of dedicated and talented people to pull a project like this together. I’m not only delighted to be working with them, but I also get the honor and privilege of thanking them here.

To my remarkable wife Kalebra: This year we’ll be celebrating our 23rd wedding anniversary, and you still continue to amaze me and everyone around you. I’ve never met anyone more compassionate, more loving, more hilarious, and more genuinely beautiful, and I’m so blessed to be going through life with you, and to have you as the mother of my children, my business partner, my private pilot, Chinese translator, gourmet cook, rock singer, and very best friend. You truly are the type of woman love songs are written for, and as anyone who knows me will quickly tell you, I am, without a doubt, the luckiest man alive to have you for my wife.

To my wonderful, crazy, fun-filled, son Jordan: If there’s anything that makes a dad truly happy deep inside, it’s seeing how truly happy deep inside his son is, and Jordan, if you were any happier you’d explode like a candy-filled piñata. As you’ve now entered your first year of high school, I can’t imagine a kid being more on top of the world than you are, and I’m just so proud of the wonderful young man you have become, of the wonderful example you’ve created for your friends, of the compassion you display for complete strangers, and of your drive to help those in need. One day, when you have kids of your own, you’ll understand exactly how I feel about you and why I feel so lucky to be your dad.

To my beautiful “big girl” Kira: You are a “mini-me” of your mom, and that is the biggest compliment I could possibly pay you. You’re totally blessed with her outer beauty, and also something that’s even more important: her inner beauty, warmth, compassion, smarts, and charm, which will translate into a loving, fun- and adventure-filled, thrilling, drive-it-like-you-stole-it kind of life so many people dream of. You were born with a smile on your lips, a song in your heart, the gift of dance, and a dad who absolutely adores you from the top of your tiara-wearing head to the bottom of your pink sparkly princess shoes.

To my big brother Jeff: A lot of younger brothers look up to their older brothers because, well...they’re older. But I look up to you because you’ve been much more than a brother to me. It’s like you’ve been my “other dad” in the way you always looked out for me, gave me wise and thoughtful council, and always put me first—just like Dad put us first. Your boundless generosity, kindness, positive attitude, and humility have been an inspiration to me my entire life, and I’m just so honored to be your brother and lifelong friend.

To my best buddy Dave Moser: Being able to work with somebody day in and day out, knowing that they are always looking out for you, always have your back, and are always trying to make sure you have everything you need to do your job at work and at home is a real blessing, and I feel like I have a real blessing in you, Dave. Thank you for everything you do for our company, for my family, and for me.

To my editor Kim Doty: Writing books is never easy, but you make my job so much easier by keeping me on track and organized, and by staying absolutely calm and positive in the face of every storm. One of the luckiest things that has ever happened to my books is that you came along to edit them, and I’m very honored and grateful to have you making my books so much better than what I turned in. You are this author’s secret weapon.

To my photography assistant and digital tech Brad Moore: I don’t know how I would have gotten through this book without your help, your work in the studio (shooting so many of the product shots), your advice and input, and your patience. I’m so grateful to have someone of your talent and character on our team.

To Jessica Maldonado: You are, hands-down, the Diva of Design, and I owe much of the success of my books to the wonderful look and feel you give them. What you do brings my books to life, and helps them reach a wider audience than they ever would have, and I’m so thrilled that you’re the person that works these miracles for us (signed, your biggest fan!).

To Cindy Snyder: A big, big thanks for tech and copyediting all the tips in the book and, as always, for catching lots of little things that others would have missed.

To Dave Damstra: You give my books such a spot-on, clean, to-the-point look, and although I don’t know how you do it, I sure am glad that you do!

To my friend and longtime Creative Director Felix Nelson: We love you. We all do. We always have. We always will. You’re Felix. There’s only one.

To my Executive Assistant and general Wonder Woman Kathy Siler: You are one of the most important people in the building, not only for all the wonderful things you do for me, but for all the things you do for our entire business. Thanks for always looking out for me, for keeping me focused, and for making sure I have the time I need to write books, do seminars, and still have time with my family. You don’t have an easy job, but you make it look easy.

To Kim Gabriel: You continue to be the unsung hero behind the scenes, and I’m sure I don’t say this enough, but thank you so much for everything you do to make this all come together.

To my in-house team at Kelby Media Group: I am incredibly blessed to go to work each day with a group of uniquely dedicated, self-motivated, and incredibly creative people—people who mean much more to me than just employees, and everything they do says they feel the same way. My humble thanks to you all for allowing me to work with the very best every day.

To my dear friend and business partner Jean A. Kendra: Thanks for putting up with me all these years and for your support for all my crazy ideas. It really means a lot.

To my editor at Peachpit Press, Ted Waitt: Do you know what a joy it is to work on a photo book with an editor who’s also a passionate and creative photographer? It makes a huge difference. Be the love. Share the love. Make the love (whoops, scratch that last one).

To my publisher Nancy Aldrich-Ruenzel, Scott Cowlin, Sara Jane Todd, and the incredibly dedicated team at Peachpit Press: It’s a real honor to get to work with people who really just want to make great books.

To all the talented and gifted photographers who’ve taught me so much over the years: Moose Peterson, Vincent Versace, Bill Fortney, David Ziser, Jim DiVitale, Helene Glassman, Joe McNally, Anne Cahill, George Lepp, Cliff Mautner, Kevin Ames, David Tejada, Frank Doorhof, Eddie Tapp, Jack Reznicki, and Jay Maisel, my sincere and heartfelt thanks for sharing your passion, ideas, and techniques with me and my students.

To my mentors John Graden, Jack Lee, Dave Gales, Judy Farmer, and Douglas Poole: Your wisdom and whip-cracking have helped me immeasurably throughout my life, and I will always be in your debt, and grateful for your friendship and guidance.

Most importantly, I want to thank God, and His Son Jesus Christ, for leading me to the woman of my dreams, for blessing us with such amazing children, for allowing me to make a living doing something I truly love, for always being there when I need Him, for blessing me with a wonderful, fulfilling, and happy life, and such a warm, loving family to share it with.

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