

adventures 156157

advice 187192

aggregators 57, 168

Allen, E. 205

American Idol 23

analogy 7375

analytics 84

anonymous comments 8081

arguments, political 174176

Arment, M. 115

Audacity 114, 119

audience 5253, 5961, 9293, 203, 209210; see also comments; social media

audio 113115, 119122

avatar 205206


Ball, L. 141

Beaird, J. 150

Beavan, C. 142

Beckmann, F. 172173

Bennett, D. 22

bias 178179

blockquotes 1213

blog roll 83

blogs 47, 5153; advice 187192; media 176183; naming 5355; politics 167169, 171174; post 1, 617, 60; reviews 193199; rules 2425; student 226228; time-limited 6162; topic 4851; tumble 115117; video 122123; see also travel blog

Blood, R. 37, 47

body 3537

Boston Globe 177179, 181183

bots 8687

Bowie, D. 48, 5455

Bradlee, B. 74

brand see audience; social media

Burger King 171172


captions 108110

Carr, D. 74

Carroll, T. 5051

Chang, A. 118119

chapter breaks 101102

Chintalapati, R. 130132

Cincopa 112

cliché 161

CNN 3840

Cognoscenti 108

Cohen, H. 23

comments 1617, 7982, 8588; community 8285, 190191

competition 5556

conversation see comments

copyright 910, 49, 223225

Corona Del Mar Today 5051

corrections 85

Creative Commons 9

criticism 193199

culture 157159, 163

Currey, M. 142


Daily Kos 171172

data 84, 118119

Davis, M. 196

decks 9899

demonstration 189

design 78, 150

dialogue 138139

Disqus 87

drafting 6869


echo effect 176

EFF 223

email 150, 212213

embedding 122

Emerson, M.F. 188191

ending 16

Epstein, L. 197

equipment 119120, 148149

Erwitt, E. 108109

ethics 163, 183, 228232

Ewing, T. 60

experts 15, 188


Facebook 57, 80, 88, 204205, 209

facts 172175; see also research

Fallows, J. 8081

family 139141

fast drafting 6869

Federalist 171

finance 191192

First Amendment 225226

focus 2526, 141143, 147, 174176

fonts 14

food 5052, 72

France 146, 153161

free writing 6567

Fry, D. 69


Gaffin, A. 22

galleries 111113

glossary 217222

gold coins 7576

Goldstein, D. 169171

golf 111112

Google 6, 112, 210211

grammar 9395, 110, 161162

GraniteGrok 168169, 173

guests 212213


Harsanyi, D. 171172

hashtags 117, 206207, 209, 211212

headline 67, 9193, 9798, 102105; decks 9899; SEO 9496, 99101

Heath-Renn, F. 198199

Her Zimbabwe 2729

home page search 149

Horace 47

Horse’s Ass 169170

HTML 99, 101

Humans of New York 117

humor 136, 162, 179

hyperlinks see links


ideas 38, 5660, 177178

identification 30

ideology 168169, 171172

images 910, 49, 7576, 159; see also multimedia

Indian American Mum 130132

information 6, 3031, 5659, 110

Instagram 211212

interactivity see comments

interviews 30

inventory 133134

inverted pyramid 3334


Jamieson, W. 148

journalism 1, 2122; ethics 163; media 176183; op-ed 2223, 3743; reporting 15, 22, 2937; Twitter 205; see also politics

Juvenal 176


Kaler, T. 142

Kansas City Star 111112

Karp, D. 115

Kennedy, D. 81, 88

keywords 94, 96

Kintner, K. 136138

Kleinberg, S. 208210

Koenig-Meunster, K. 204, 206207, 211213


Labarre, S. 79, 8788

Lamott, A. 69, 127

Lanson, J. 4243, 56, 6569, 128, 145149

Leccese, M. 3840, 49, 54, 58, 69, 196197; Gatekeeper 15, 54, 177179, 181183

lede 7, 3437, 92

Leffel, T. 145

legal issues 223228

length 60

Li-Fowler, J. 207208, 214

libel 225

life stories 127130, 132136, 138143, 159160

links 1012, 8384, 173, 188, 204

live blogs 6162


McCarthy, L. 194

MacDonald, I. 48

Machirori, F. 2729

McPhee, J. 67

Makepeace, C. 151152

material see topic

media 176183

medium see multimedia

metadata 99, 101

mistakes see corrections

moderation 8081, 8687

money 53, 191192

MSN 9798

multimedia 107, 159161, 189; photos 108113, 159161, 205206; podcasts 119122; slide shows 113115; Tumblr 115117; video blogs 122123

Murphy, S. 168169, 173

Murray, D. 3233, 70

music 198199


naming 5355

narrative 110113, 118119; life stories 127130, 132136, 138143; travel blog 154157, 160162

news websites 167168

newsletter 150

Nickels, C. 112114

Nietzsche, F. 156

Niezgoda, A. 206

NM Incite 47

notes 3033, 3840


Oberholzer, J. 116

O’Leary, C. 48, 5455, 60

opinion 188189, 193; blogging 2223, 3743; see also politics

originality 38, 196; see also voice

outline 3840


paragraphs 36

people 154155

Perr, J. 171172

Pew Research Center 204

photos 108113, 159161, 205206

Picasa 112

pictures see images; photos

Pinterest 212

place 6768, 157159

plagiarism 182183, 230

Plante, C. 194, 197

Platanitus, S. 204

podcasts 119122

politics 167169, 171174, 184; argument 174176; Goldstein, D. 169171

polls 8384

Popular Science 79, 8788

Porter, M. 205, 207, 214

posts see blogs; updating

PowerLine 175

press see media

promotion 212214; see also audience; social media

proofreading 5960

punctuation 93


question headlines 96

quizzes 8384

quotes 1213, 31, 36


Ralph, T. 7173

readers see audience; comments; social media

reading 167168

reporting 15, 22, 2937, 134136

research 6, 1415, 3841, 61; politics 173174, 180; reviews 194, 196197

reviews 193199

Ritholtz, B. xi

Romenesko, J. 177

Rosa, F. 5153

Rothman, J. 74

RSS 5557, 213

rules 2425, 3032, 189191

rumor 230231


Santana, A. 80

Sauce Bauce 50

scenes 7576

schedule 4951

Schudson, M. 22

search engines 99, 101; SEO 67, 9496

search function 149, 206

Sedaris, D. 141

segregation 108109

Senk, A. 5051

SEO 67, 9496

sharing 89, 204

Shirky, C. ix

short-term see time-limited

Sivolella, J. 108

slide shows 113115, 160

social media 89, 14, 149, 203; Facebook 57, 80, 88, 204205, 209; Google Plus 210211; headlines 9496; Instagram 211212; Pinterest 212; Twitter 16, 5758, 6162, 205209, 214215

software: comments 87; data visualization 119; photos 112; slide shows 113115; videos 123

Soundcloud 121

sources 11, 172174

space 6768

spammers 79, 8587

Sprouls, K. 8

standing head 78

Stanton, B. 117

Stepp, C.S. 70

stories see narrative

student blogs 226228

style 93, 196; see also voice

subheds see chapter breaks

subscribing 213

Sunstein, C. 176


technology 54, 148149

Technorati 58

Terry, C. 55, 196

thinking 6768

Thomas, L. 7374

Three S Rule 189191

time stamp 8

time-limited 6162

tips 153154

topic 4851, 59, 83; headlines 93; review 192193, 197198; see also life stories

travel blog 145146, 151152, 164165; ethics 163; narrative 160162; posts 152160 preparation 146150

trolls 85

Trott, B. 9798

tumblelogs 115117

Tumblr 115117, 211212

Twain, M. 129

Twitter 16, 5758, 6162, 205209

typesetting 1314, 93


UK 60

universality 127130

updating 1516, 49, 5659, 205


video blogs 122123

Villanueva, J. 113

visualization see data visualization

voice 7, 2324, 6973, 131132, 194196


Warhol, A. 203

weather 179180

Weaver, D. 57

Weinberger, D. 203

Weliver, D. 191192

White, B. 129, 132133

Wikipedia 1011

Willnat, L. 57

workspace 6768

writing 4751, 5556, 5960; focus 2526, 141143, 147; life stories 129130, 132136, 138141; opinion 4043; politics 170171, 174176; reporting 3237; style 6571, 7376; Three S Rule 189191; travel blogs 152160; Twitter 207208; see also headlines; narrative; voice

Writing for Others, Writing for Ourselves 6667


Zimbabwe 2729

Zinsser, W. 6971, 161

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