Once you have the basics in the Develop module down pat, there are a couple of other things Lightroom can do for you that were not available in previous versions of the software. You no longer have to go to Photoshop to make blemish corrections; you have built-in HDR support in the Develop module; and you can make beautiful, seamless panoramas that do not waste space. Photoshop used to be the program you would use to straighten crooked image elements, but you’ll be shocked to see how easy it is to straighten something right inside Lightroom.

These techniques are slightly beyond the sliders we’ve worked with so far, but they are by no means difficult. All you need to know is where the tools are and how to use them effectively. As you work on this next level of editing, you’re going to want to have the ability to save the changes you’ve made so you can repeat them over and over again as quickly as possible. Lightroom allows you to do exactly that, and you can even share the styles you create with others.

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