I titled this chapter “Forgotten Modules and Maintenance,” but by no means should you treat it as something that’s completely disposable. Yes, there are elements in Lightroom that will not get as much love as other elements. There are also elements that have not been updated in quite some time, and with recent advances in the software, these features seem to be a little outdated. However, they are extremely easy to use, and it’s a good idea for you to have a cursory knowledge of how they operate.

I also want to leave you with a little information on how to do some general maintenance in Lightroom, from managing your Lightroom backups to using things like smart collections.

What if, despite your best intentions, you go to Lightroom and try to move a slider in the Develop module and it’s unresponsive? A giant “File Not Found” message stares you in the face. You’re going to need to know how to overcome this. And it’s important to know why you would want to use something like smart previews, or how to be able to take an existing catalog and merge it with another one.

I know that sounds really hard, but everything you’ve learned in this book so far has been relatively easy, why should we complicate things now? Let’s go ahead and get started.

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