Find a Marketplace Challenge That Needs to Be Solved or Improved

It’s typical in the nation’s colleges and business schools for the students to rank their professors. (I’ve been fortunate. At Babson, the nation’s leading college for the study of entrepreneurship, I usually come in at or near the top of the students’ lists.)

But it is also typical for professors to rank their students. (It isn’t published anywhere, but rest assured, we keep track.)

So, what do my rankings reveal? Two big things:

1. It is easier to teach graduate students than the CEOs who attend my executive education classes. Even though those CEOs are accomplished and learn quickly, the grad students learn faster.

2. And it is easier still to teach undergraduates than all those smart people going for their MBAs.

When I tell people this, they ask the logical follow-up question: “Do you think you would be more effective teaching high school students, compared to those in college?”

My answer? Yes.

Some of them, meaning to be funny, go further and ask, “Does this mean junior high school students would learn even faster than those in high schools, and elementary school students would outperform those in seventh and eighth grade?”

I know they are joking, and even though I had never taught anyone that young, my answer was always (a theoretical) yes.

I will expand more on this point in a minute, but my thinking was simple: the younger you are, the more open you are to new ideas. As we get older, the more we think we know. The problem with that, as Mark Twain pointed out, is clear: “It ain’t so much the things we don’t know that get us into trouble; it’s the things we know that just ain’t so.”

I knew from teaching that the more open you are to new ideas, the easier it is to be entrepeneurial. And I had always believed that the younger you are, the easier it is to develop the entrepreneurial skills you are going to need going forward. But I didn’t know that for sure.

Then, a few years ago, I got my chance to find out.

My grandson, Kenny, was in the fifth grade at the Buckley Country Day School on Long Island, and his class was doing a unit on business and entrepreneurship. Kenny volunteered me to come into his class and talk about what I do.

Kenny’s mother, my daughter Beth Green—a lawyer who once worked with the negotiation expert Roger Fisher of Getting to Yes fame—was excited but concerned.

“Dad, they’re only ten and eleven years old. What can you possibly say to them from your college and graduate school classes that they’re going to understand? Buckley wants you to fill ninety minutes. How are you going to hold the kids’ attention for an hour and a half?”

Beth then paused and gave me a look that I recognized from her teenage years, the one that conveyed, “You are totally clueless, Dad.” But she simply asked, “Are you sure you want to do this?”

I told her it was going to be a piece of cake. I was going to use the same opening-day “presentation” that I give my Babson students.

Beth looked even more horrified, but that is exactly what I did. I stood up in front of Kenny’s class and, after we spent a few minutes getting to know each other, I showed them a plain drinking mug and asked what they could do to “alter or change the mug so that it would be worth more.” (In business schools, the concept is known as enhancing value. To fifth graders, the idea is described as making more money.)

They got very excited and in minutes came up with the following ideas:

1. Add color.

2. Add designs.

3. Add the name of the school, Buckley.

4. Have two handles.

5. Add a thermometer, to tell you the temperature of the liquid inside.

They passed test number one; they truly enhanced the value of the mug! For my second exercise, I pulled out my smartphone.

“Okay, you all know what this is.” (Most had a phone of their own, and they were all very familiar with what the devices could do.)

“Let’s do an exercise to see who is most innovative,” I said. I divided the class into teams of four and gave them fifteen minutes to answer this question: “It’s five years from now: How will you be using your cell phones? I want you to compile a list of as many functions as you can.”

You cannot believe what they imagined. Not only would they be able to watch any television program or movie whenever they wanted, everything would be instantly customizable. They would put in their preferences, and shows would be recorded automatically; songs would be compiled instantly into playlists—and everything would be voice activated. Their lists went on and on.

Then, I had them do exactly the same thing that I always have my college, graduate, and even CEO students do during the next part of the exercise. I said, “Now that you have forecasted where the market is going, I want you to think of as many products as you can that people will want to use in the future.”

Again, they were remarkable. They produced more ideas faster than any group I have ever taught. In fact, I think one of their ideas is going to make someone a lot of money.

Let me tell you about it.

Say you are about to go shopping at a “big-box” store; Target, Home Depot, Best Buy, etc. These stores are so huge—some are three full acres—that it can be difficult to find anything.

As you enter the store, let’s say a Super Walmart, which sells everything a typical Walmart does, plus groceries, you receive an email on your phone asking if you would like to download a detailed map of the store and see what is on sale. If you click yes, not only do you get a map complete with a search function (looking for cereal, it’s in aisle 22 on the left), but, as you approach the cereal aisle, you are offered a coupon, via your cell phone, for $1 off a box of Cheerios. Linger in front of the lawn mowers for more than ninety seconds and not only will you get a coupon for $100 off any riding mower you buy today, your phone offers to set up a side-by-side comparison of the models you are considering.

It’s a wonderful idea and it is definitely feasible. I checked. (It’s surprisingly easy to do with existing technology.)

The idea satisfies one of my criteria for success: it creates a win-win situation—actually, a win-win-win in this case. The customer wins because he gains an easier way to navigate the store and receives targeted discounts. The product seller wins because he is able to provide an incentive to an interested customer to get him to buy. And the store wins because it is creating value for its customers (which will probably increases sales).

Someone, I believe, is going to be extremely successful with this idea.


What have we just learned?

Well, first, my grandson and his classmates are smart. And second, it really is easier to teach entrepreneurship to younger people.

Why would these fifth graders come up with more ideas than my college and graduate students—or CEOs typically do in the same amount of time?

There are three reasons, and they are something to keep in mind, if you are older than ten or eleven:

1. The older you are, the more you’ve seen, so there is a tendency to be skeptical and say, “No, that will never work, because . . .” whenever you—or someone else—comes up with a new concept.

2. Since you are usually worried that you could look foolish when you come up with a new idea and it fails, you stick to the safest suggestions. When you are ten or eleven, you are not cursed with self-doubt.

3. And most important, they were thinking about entrepreneur-ship in the most effective and productive way. If you want to become more entrepreneurial, come up with a better mousetrap, as those fifth-graders did. Instead of thinking about a new revolutionary idea that isn’t in the marketplace, start by improving on something that already exists to solve a real problem people have.

Let me explain.

One of the first things that invariably happens in my Babson class is that when we begin talking about what products or services the students might sell, someone will say, “I have an idea.” Well, I am not surprised they do: ideas are remarkably easy to come by.

But you don’t want to start with a completely new idea; you want to start with a market need, which is just a fancier way of saying that you want to come up with a better mousetrap.

For a lot of people, that statement is counterintuitive. They ask: Shouldn’t you start by coming up with an idea for a product or service that has never existed in any form?

The answer is no.

Here’s why.

It’s natural, when you are pondering how you can create a product or service, to want to think about coming up with a unique idea. It would just seem to make sense. After all, if you are trying to create something new, why shouldn’t you start with something unique?

The reason you shouldn’t, is because, it’s remarkably inefficient and it’s inefficient because ideas are easy to come by.

I will let you prove it to yourself.

Take the next two minutes and write down all the things you’d love to see created, whether or not you would want to have anything to do with creating them. For example, list that jetpack that would allow you to fly to work and the device that will get the dishes from the table to the dishwasher.

Ready, set, go.

If, you are like most people, you came up with at least 10 ideas within those two minutes. (As I said, generating ideas is easy.)

The problem is you can’t do much with most of those ideas. Some are not yet feasible; we don’t know, yet, how to get those dishes into the dishwasher by themselves. Others are going to take much more money than you can easily lay your hands on; the cost of mass producing jetpacks that allow you to fly is going to be huge. While the vast majority of the ideas you generate are probably intriguing, odds are, you don’t have the necessary skills, talents or even interest in making them a reality.

All this explains why you don’t want to start with a unique idea. You want to begin by improving a concept that already exists.

There are three specific reasons why.

For one thing, you won’t have to spend a lot of time explaining what you have. The Polaroid camera was eventually a huge success but it took a while. They needed to educate the market. Everyone knew what a camera was and could imagine a better one (one that took sharper pictures or was easier to focus) but trying to sell a camera that developed its own film took a lot of explaining. People needed to understand what it was and be convinced that it actually worked.

You can get some of your best ideas from your competitors.

What are they doing well?

What product or service are they offering you can improve upon?

Second, it’s a problem if your idea is a solution to no known problem. For example, it‘s wonderful you want to create a business newspaper better than the Wall Street Journal. I’m sure you could find dozens of little things you think you could improve. The fact is, the Wall Street Journal is an extremely good business newspaper and the universe is not clamoring for anything better. They think the existing mousetrap—the Journal, in this case—is just fine.

Finally, when you start with an idea, you have to go out and find customers. This is no easy task. When you begin with a market need, you already have them. They’re the people who are looking for a product or service like yours one that solves a problem they already have.


As we have just seen, instead of trying to create a radically new product or service, it’s always easier to start by trying to solve an existing problem. If you go down this route (and I recommend you do), you will probably end up building off something that already exists.



Many of my fellow professors at Babson College spend hours teaching students how to create a business plan. I don’t spend a minute on it.

It’s not that I think planning is a waste of time. I believe it can be extremely valuable. (See our discussion about the best way to conduct a truly effective Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats [SWOT] analysis in Principle 12.) It’s just that having a detailed business plan can give you a false sense of security. If you are overly dependent on it, the first time you encounter something that you didn’t expect—which will probably happen on day one—you’re going to be at a loss.

Instead of developing a detailed business plan, a far better approach is to do the minimum amount of planning that will get you under way and adjust as you go (depending on what the market tells you).

When I say all this, someone always asks, “But don’t I need a detailed business plan to know if I am on to a big opportunity?”

The answer is no.

The easiest way to get confirmation that you’re on to a great idea is to explain your concept in a “Rocket Pitch” (some people call it an Elevator Pitch) of thirty seconds or less, and then ask, “Is this something you would invest in?”

If you get some sort of positive response, you may have spotted a real opportunity.

We will be talking more about this in Principle 2.

If you think about it, you’ll realize that is exactly what the kid-creators of the mall map app did. Maps have been around forever, and so have coupons. Their idea simply combined the two to solve a problem: finding items to purchase in a big-box store, getting the best deal in the process.

It’s tempting to start with a blank piece of paper when you are just beginning to look for ideas.


Instead, begin by searching for existing products/services that can be modified to solve a problem or improved.

To put everything we just talked about into context, let me give you four rules to live by.


Investigate what products are in the marketplace and make yours better (faster, more effective, etc.).


One Sunday morning, Jack Grumet—my neighbor and the founder/owner of Jo Ann’s Nut House (which sells cookies, and, indeed nuts)—was driving along a main street in town and saw a long line of customers waiting to buy freshly baked bagels. The bagels came in over a dozen varieties. One of the main ingredients used was New York City water.

Jack introduced this model nationwide and created the Manhattan Bagel Company, which became a New York Stock Exchange–listed company.


When others see problems, you should look for opportunities.

If you’re going to satisfy a market need, you have to listen to the market. Sounds obvious, right? But that means you have to evolve if the market tells you to, and that can be difficult. You’ve spent a lot of time identifying market need X. You raised money, laid out a marketing plan, and figured out exactly what you need to make X a reality. Then all of a sudden, the market says X is not such a good idea, it could be made substantially better, or it wants a variation of the product.

Can you change in that sort of situation?

Stacy Madison did.


Stacy and Mark Andrus thought they were onto something. They lived in New England and on a visit to the West Coast, they noticed lines of people buying food from sidewalk vendors at lunchtime. Pitas and wraps were just becoming hot in the mid-1990s, and they thought if they could sell theirs in the heart of the Boston financial district at lunchtime, they could probably make a decent living.

They were right. On their first day, they quickly sold out. It was clear that they had underestimated demand for their pitas and wraps. When they got the system down, they routinely made and sold a hundred sandwiches an hour. There were always thirty to forty people queued up, but unfortunately some weren’t willing to wait—they got out of line and walked away. Also, there was no telling how many people never joined the long line in the first place.

To deal with the problem of long lines and some unhappy customers, every night Stacy and Mark took the extra pita bread; dusted it with cinnamon sugar, or parmesan and garlic; chopped it into chip-sized wedges; and baked it. Then the next day, Mark and Stacy began handing out the chips to the people waiting in line, thanking them for their patience. Soon, customers showed up specifically asking for the crispy, low-fat chips.

This led to selling their pita chips first from the truck and, soon after, in retail stores.

Flash forward ten years. The bad news, Mark and Stacy are divorced. The good news, Stacy’s Chips became a $60 million business. At that point, PepsiCo (owner of Frito-Lay) promptly bought it for what is believed to be approximately one times sales, or $60 million, and hired Stacy as a consultant.


I do not believe you can learn to swim by just reading a “how-to-swim” book.

I also do not believe you can learn entrepreneurship just by reading a book. You have to get into the “water” and learn to swim.

So, why not get into the water by answering these questions about the Stacy’s Chips case study.

Presented the way I told it in shorthand, it sounds so simple, straightforward, and inevitable.

But ask yourself these questions. The answers will help shape your thinking as you plan to start something new.

1. Would you have focused on sandwiches or snacks? Why?

2. How would you know you would not be able to do both?

3. If you decided to specialize in one, what would you have done with the investment in the other? Shut it down? Spin it off?

4. Money is hard to come by. How would you have marketed either (or both) products?

5. Where would you find a facility to manufacture your product?

6. What would you call the chips and what message would the name send to the consumer?

7. How would you get retailers to sell the chips?

Next step: Go to the book’s website and submit your answers for my feedback.


Don’t give customers what they say they want, give them what they need.

Steve Jobs, the cofounder of Apple, was a master at this. Walter Isaacson’s 700-page biography of Jobs, which is simply called Steve Jobs, should be required reading in every entrepreneurship class because it contains many examples of products Jobs created that people didn’t know they needed. No one really knew they wanted a new kind of cell phone, or a different kind of way to buy and store music, until Jobs offered them the iPhone and iTunes.


Utilize the Pareto 80/20 rule.

You’ve probably heard of the 80/20 rule, which is otherwise known as the Pareto Principle, named after Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto. In a business context, the 80/20 principle is pretty simple: approximately 80% of a company’s revenue or profit comes directly from 20% of its resources, like product lines, customers, and even people. The principle has been supported by numerous studies all with the same gut-wrenching conclusion: it’s true. Here’s an example.


As a teenager, Joe Ventresca toiled alongside his father, a mason, as he worked with brick and stone to construct homes and office buildings. When Joe was fifteen, he began to notice the real estate agents, who arrived at the construction sites well dressed and driving expensive cars. These men and women made a lot more money than his father, and did so without engaging in physical labor.

After college, Joe worked as a realtor and then decided to start his own real estate firm. His new office comprised ten agents, and he quickly learned that the 80/20 rule applied to real estate agents as well. Two of his employees were hard workers, three were okay, and five were just getting by. Not surprisingly, the two hard workers generated 80% of the profits.

Joe was frustrated. He put in long hours, was dedicated to serving his clients, and was committed to becoming the best. He couldn’t understand why eight of his ten employees didn’t share these traits.

By chance, Joe had a meeting with a real estate agent from a different agency and learned the following techniques that worked for them:

imageAgents who generated a listing got to have their name and phone number on the for sale sign that was put outside the home. People seeing the sign who were interested would call them, and not the real estate main number. (If people called the main number, the listing agent would split the potential commission with the person who handled the call.)

imageNewspaper ads worked the same way. If you signed up a client, your name was listed as the person to contact in the ad.

imageIn exchange for paying a management fee and a share of the monthly overhead, the agents kept a maximum portion of their commission.


1. What attributes should Joe be looking for in real estate agents to work in this new way of doing business?

2. Could this model work anywhere else?

3. What is going to keep these agents from going out on their own?

4. The standard real estate commission is 6%. Should Joe set his company’s to be higher, lower, or remain at 6%?

5. Is the 80/20 rule applicable to your business?


1. Don’t begin with an idea. Start your search by identifying a large market need.

2. Make sure you are committed to it. Sure, the idea of mass-produced flying jetpacks is appealing. But if you don’t have a technology background, or it’s not something you want to devote most of your life to in the near future, it is better to move on to something else. If you’re not truly committed to what you are doing, it’ll be much more difficult to raise the money you need and find ways to overcome the hurdles you will invariably face.

3. Make sure you are confident about the opportunity. There are very few guarantees in life, and the success of a new venture is never going to be listed among them. Still, you want to be as certain as you can be, going into it, that you have identified a significant market need.

4. Is the market need sustainable? What can you imagine that might happen to put you out of business? (Changes in technology: The entrance of a far larger competitor determined to steal your sales?) How are you going to protect yourself today to keep that from happening?

5. What is your contingency plan if the worst happens?

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