
As a native Midwesterner, one of our authors, Tim, grew up with an unhealthy phobia of tornadoes. Thankfully, his town had the foresight to install a siren warning system that would alert the populace—all 600 souls—to a looming threat should the occasion arise.

The town tested the siren every day at noon, sounding a minute-long ear-shattering blast, rain or shine. Yet somehow the townspeople managed to ignore the piercing wail and go about their business, a few fondly referring to it as the “noon whistle.”

Then one memorable day, the skies darkened. The clouds began to rumble. And the siren went off at 3 p.m. This was it. The real deal! And 13 panicked teenagers who had been playing ball in the park sprang into action. Instead of ignoring the siren, the kids jumped on their bikes and pedaled as fast as they could to get home to the safety of their basements (more than a few crying for their mommies, according to a reliable eyewitness).

Thankfully, no tornado touched down in that little town that afternoon, and none have officially touched down in its entire 200-year history. But in that frantic moment, a lesson in marketing, sales, and customer service was born.

Turns out, it wasn’t about the siren at all. It was about the context of the situation the siren was in.

It’s a phenomenon called the Context Effect. As illustrated in Figure I.1, the Context Effect is the influence of environmental factors on the perception of a stimulus. No one cared about the screeching siren when it was doing its thing at noon every day. But when the situation changed to threatening, everyone cared. And responded accordingly.


Figure I.1 Are you ignored or invaluable? Context matters.

It was the different environment that made the siren irrelevant one minute and invaluable the next. It had nothing to do with the tensile strength of the horn or the decibel levels it put out.

The Context Effect is essential to marketing, selling, and customer success as well. It’s not your products or services that get people to respond. It’s their environxviiimental factors, their current situation, that determine their perception of your solution.

Chief among these environmental factors is whether they are a prospect doing something else with someone else (or perhaps doing nothing at all with anyone) or whether they are your existing customer doing that thing with you.

The Context Effect calls for you to develop and deliver a message differently to prospects versus existing customers. After all, their environment is very different when it comes to responding to your stimulus . . . er, your products and services.

Wait! You say you don’t message differently or you’re unsure of the distinction. Then you’ve come to the right place. This book is for you. And it will completely change your perspective on—and approach to—marketing, sales, and customer success.

Inside, you’ll find brand-new, exclusive research on the difference between customer acquisition and customer expansion messaging. While many books have been written about how to get new customers, this is the first to show you how to keep and grow the customers you already have.

After all, according to many analysts your existing customers represent 70–80 percent of your revenue and growth opportunities. So it’s critical you get these customer conversations right. Yet most companies take the same one-size-fits-all approach to marketing, sales, and customer success when renewing and upselling existing customers as they did to acquire them in the first place.

Recent research proves this will backfire—badly. In fact, the psychology of the existing customer is 180 degrees different from the psychology of a prospect. That means the stories and skills you use to communicate with them need to be 180 degrees different as well.


There are several things you must do after winning a new customer that are vital to the customer’s experience and satisfaction, including onboarding, change management, adoption, and utilization, not to mention ensuring your customer achieves the results you promised. While these are important, this book doesn’t focus on these day-to-day customer success activities.

Instead, it focuses entirely on the four must-win commercial moments in every customer relationship:

1.   Renewals

2.   Price increases

3.   Upsells

4.   Apologies

These are the acute scenarios in which you rally your organization’s marketing, sales, and customer success resources to keep and grow your customers. They’re also the tense situations that register highest on the revenue “Richter Scale,” where much of your (and your company’s) success hangs in the balance.

It’s in these moments you need tested, proven customer conversation message frameworks and skills, rooted in decision-making science and the invisible forces that shape how people frame value and make choices.

And that’s what you’ll get in this book: specific, practical, actionable approaches to create and deliver your message for maximum impact in these make-or-break moments.

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