
Financial Shock Updated Edition: Global Panic and Government Bailouts—How We Got Here and What Must Be Done to Fix It


About the Author


Chapter 1. Subprime Précis

Chapter 2. Sizing Up Subprime

Chapter 3. Everyone Should Own a Home

Chapter 4. Chairman Greenspan Counts on Housing

Chapter 5. Global Money Men Want a Piece

Chapter 6. Bad Lenders Drive Out the Good

Chapter 7. Financial Engineers and Their Creations

Chapter 8. Home Builders Run Aground

Chapter 9. As the Regulatory Cycle Turns

Chapter 10. Boom, Bubble, Bust, and Crash

Chapter 11. Credit Crunch

Chapter 12. Timid Policymakers Turn Bold

Chapter 13. Economic Fallout

Chapter 14. Back to the Future



Extreme Money: Masters of the Universe and the Cult of Risk

Prologue: Hubris

Part I: Faith

Chapter 1. Mirror of the Times

Some Kinda Money

Trading Places

The Invention of Money

Barbarous Relic

The Real Thing

The Hotel New Hampshire


Money Machines

Debt Clock

Money Is Nothing

The Mirrored Room

Chapter 2. Money Changes Everything

Mrs. Watanabe Goes to Wall Street

FX Beauties Club


Trickling Down, Trading Up

I Shop, Therefore I Must Be!

Spend It Like Beckham!

Golden Years

Tax Avoidance

Japanese Curse

The God of Our Time

Chapter 3. Business of Business

Limited Consciences

A Brilliant Daring Speculation

Dirty Tricks

Marriages and Separations

The House That Jack Built

Capital Ideas

WWJD—Watch What Jack Did!

Business Dealings

Chapter 4. Money for Sale

It’s a Wonderful Bank!

Pass the Parcel

Loan Frenzy

Plastic Fantastic Money

Casino Banking

Confidence Tricks

The Citi of Money

Sign of the Times

Chapter 5. Yellow Brick Road

Monumental Money

The Battle of the “Pond”

Cool Britannia

Barbarian Invasions

Unlikely Centers

El-Dollardo Economics

The Unbalanced Bicycle

Foreign Treasure

Fool’s Gold

Liquidity Vortex

Chapter 6. Money Honey

Printing It

Column Inches

Video Money

Studs, Starlets

Financial Porn

Speedy Money

Literary Money

Money for All

Part II: Fundamentalism

Chapter 7. Los Cee-Ca-Go Boys

Dismal Science

Chicago Interpretation

Economic Politics

Academic Warfare

The Gipper and the Iron Lady

Political Economy

New Old Deal

The Monetary Lens

Unstable Stability?

Chapter 8. False Gods, Fake Prophecies

Mystery of Price

Demon of Chance

Corporate M&Ms

Risk Taming

Slow and Quick Money

Corporate Practice

Everything Is Just Noise

Perfect Worlds

Financial Fundamentalism

Fata Morgana

Part III: Alchemy

Chapter 9. Learning to Love Debt

Fixed Floor Coverings

By the Bootstraps

Leverage for Everything

Cutting to the Bone

Professor Jensen Goes to Wall Street

Drowning by Numbers

Censored Loans

High Opportunity Bonds

Fallen Angels

Junk People

Milken’s Mobsters

The Sweet Envy of Bankers

Thank You for Borrowing

One Bridge Too Far

National Treasure

Chapter 10. Private Vices

Excess Returns

Sexy Private Equity

Inflight Entertainment

Selling the Family Silver

Holey Dollar

Money for Nothing

Public Squalor, Private Profits

Locust Plagues

Vain Capital

Amateur Hour


Chapter 11. Dice with Debt

Securitization Recipes

Slice and Dice

Almost as Safe as Houses

Synthetic Stuff

Get Copula-ed

Sticky Mess

Several Houses of One’s Own

Cheaper Cuts of Mortgage

ARMs Race

Heroes for One Day

Chapter 12. The Doomsday Debt Machine

Alpha-Debt Soup

In the Shadow of Debt

Virtual Loans

Counting on the Abacus

Intellectual Masturbation

Used to Be Smart

Chain Reaction

Phase Transition

Terra incognita

Chapter 13. Risk Supermarkets

Mind Your Derivatives

Particle Finance

Hedging Your Bets

Sewer Bonds

Harvard Case Studies

The Italian Job

Betting Your Hedge


I Will Kill You Later

First to Lose

Toxic Municipal Siblings

Playing Swaps and Robbers

The Greek Job

Madman’s Games

Chapter 14. Financial Arms Race


Evil Kerviel

Soldier Monks

Mystère Kerviel

Risk Is Our Business

Free Money

Credit’s Fatal Attraction

Post-Modern Contradictions

Derivative Deconstruction

Piñata Parties

Chapter 15. Woodstock for Hedge Funds

Keeping Up with the Joneses

In Search of Moby Dick

Style Gurus

Magic Wand

Lucky Man

Sharpe Practice


In the Long Run, We Are All Dead

The Game

The More Things Change


Chapter 16. Minsky Machines

Affinities and Curses

Crowded Hours

Crime Without Punishment

Fast Cars, Slow Hedge Funds

Fast Cornering

Children of Privilege

Make Money Not War

Part IV: Oligarchy

Chapter 17. War Games

Borrowed Times

Liquidity Factory

Six Degrees of Separation

Paper Chains

Toxic Pathologies

Relying on the Zohar

Blind Capital

Rent Collectors

Best in Best Possible World

Chapter 18. Shell Games

Central Bank Republics

Games of Old Maid

Protection Rackets

Stockholm Syndrome

Free Speech

No Accounting for Values

Mark to Make Believe

Out of Sight

Creeping Crumble

Management by Neglect

Directing Traffic

Chapter 19. Cult of Risk

Growth for All Seasons

Financial Groupthink

Celebrity Central Banking

Dealing with Dissent


Je Ne Regrette Rien!

Last Supper

Chapter 20. Masters of the Universe

Money Illusions

Factories for Unhappy People

War Versus Money

Shop Floors


Smiling and Killing

Pay Grades

Much More Than This


Bonus Season


Tipping Points

Chapter 21. Financial Nihilism

Cosmetic Consumption

The Physical Impossibility of Spending the Amount Earned by Someone Living

Celebrity Finance

Manqué Not Monkey

Wizard and Muggles

In the Midnight Hour

Last Rites

Safe As

Snuff Movies

Silent Mass Murder

Part V: Cracks

Chapter 22. Financial Gravity

Air Pockets

Mass Extinction


This Is Not a Seminar!


Country for Sale

Crying Games

Newtonian Economics

Chapter 23. Unusually Uncertain

Botox Economics

China Syndrome

Regulatory Dialectic

Patient Zero

Nowhere to Run, Nowhere to Hide

Built to Fail

End of Ponzi Prosperity?

Losing the Commanding Heights

Zen Finance

Unknown Unknowns

Epilogue: Nemesis


Select Bibliography


The Fearful Rise of Markets: Global Bubbles, Synchronized Meltdowns, and How to Prevent Them in the Future


About the Author


Chapter 1. The Fearful Rise of Markets

Part I: The Rise

Chapter 2. Investment Becomes an Industry

Chapter 3. Indexes and Efficient Markets

Chapter 4. Money Markets Supplant Banks

Chapter 5. From Gold Standard to Oil Standard

Chapter 6. Emerging Markets

Chapter 7. Junk Bonds

Chapter 8. The Carry Trade

Chapter 9. Foreign Exchange

Chapter 10. Irrational Exuberance

Chapter 11. Banks Too Big to Fail

Chapter 12. Hedge Funds

Chapter 13. Dot Coms and Cheap Money

Chapter 14. BRICs

Chapter 15. Commodities

Chapter 16. Credit

Part II: The Fall

Chapter 17. Ending the Great Moderation

Chapter 18. Quant Funds

Chapter 19. Trust

Chapter 20. Bank Runs

Chapter 21. Bastille Day: Reflexive Markets

Chapter 22. Lessons from Lehman

Chapter 23. Politics and Institutions

Chapter 24. The Paradox of Diversification

Part III: The Fearful Rise

Chapter 25. Decoupling

Chapter 26. Banks Bounce

Chapter 27. A New Bubble?

Conclusion: 2010 and After


Select Bibliography


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