
It is a privilege to have worked with so many great leaders and companies throughout our careers, and we want to thank all of them for their insights and lessons that contributed to the richness of this book. We also want to thank all the people that had faith in us that we could create this book that would add so much to the future of work.

Particular thanks to all the people who were guests on Linda's radio show, iLead the Leadership Connection with VoiceAmerica. Everyone on the show shared such incredible insights into the changing nature of work. Each person helped us shape our thinking on how to future-proof yourself and your workplace now.

There are just too many to list. You can listen to all of the shows and find additional resources by going to our website We are so grateful for their contributions to our thinking and willingness to share. It was an outstanding experience to interview all the guests and thought leaders who gave of their time.

Robert Ciolino of VoiceAmerica deserves a big shout-out for encouraging Linda to add radio host to her resume and for helping us think about formulating this book. Robert was a great coach and mentor. He is simply a fountain of ideas!

And finally, Marshall Goldsmith is recognized as a top leadership thinker by the Thinkers50 and is a world-famous coach. He has supported Linda throughout her career and helped Morag on her last book. We are so grateful for your guidance and great willingness to give back and give forward. You have been a total mentor and inspiration in this chapter of our careers.

We are privileged to have had the experiences and opportunities to get to work with so many outstanding people who have made a difference in the world of work. All of you are truly leaders of the future. You are the people who are bringing the human heart back into the workplace, and you all know who you are.

We would also like to especially thank Mike Loomis, who encouraged us and provided us thought leadership throughout this effort. Mike is truly a great sounding board and helped us shape our thinking and ideas in an incredible way. Without Mike we don't think we would be here today sharing this book and the stories that make it live.

It is a difficult task to shape a book like this, especially when working with a coauthor. However, we know we couldn't have done it without each other. We were supports to each other. We acted as muses and mentors to each other and made a difficult task intellectually stimulating and fun. Needless to say, Mike Loomis was a big part of that experience and “mind meld” as well.

We are excited that this book is no longer in the future, but here, today. We are much enriched because of writing it and have built some formidable relationships and connections that will live on.

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