

  • age issues
    • age of managers
    • Millennials
    • retirement
  • agile methodologies
  • Airbnb
  • Alcoa
  • Alliance, The (Hoffman)
  • ALTRR (Ask, Listen, Think, Respond, Repeat)
  • Amazon
  • Analytic Services (Harvard Business Review)
  • Apple Computer
  • apps
  • Aramco
  • artificial intelligence (AI)
  • ASHRM (Dubai)
  • AT&T
  • Avon


  • Bader, Sir Douglas Robert Steuart
  • balance, for relationships
  • Barge, Peter
  • Barrett, Morag
    • career background of
    • on change
    • Cultivate: The Power of Working Relationships
    • relationships at work (example)
  • Baxter
  • Bersin, Josh
  • Bersin and Associates
  • Bersin by Deloitte
  • bias
  • big data
  • Bin Tarraf, Suhail
  • Blockbuster
  • Boyle, Susan
  • brain
    • bias and
    • creativity and
    • rewiring of
  • brick-and-mortar stores, technology and changes to
  • Britain's Got Talent (television show)


  • career lattice
  • Carthen, Jason
  • CBS MoneyWatch
  • cell phone technology, changes in
  • Chamberlain, Joshua
  • change
    • changing relationships
    • curiosity and
    • in demographics
    • digitization and
    • disruption as
    • diversity and inclusion for
    • drivers of
    • examples of
    • globalization and
    • importance of, for future-proof workplace
    • for inclusion
    • leadership for
    • lifestyle and work interconnection
    • navigating
    • organizing principles of
    • reflecting workplace culture for
    • revising ideas about work
    • technology for
    • in workplace culture
    • workplace factors of, overview
  • Civil War, desertion during
  • collaboration. See relationships; teamwork
  • collaborative software
  • colleagues, relationships with
  • Comcast Cares Day
  • “command and control” leadership
  • common areas, in workspaces
  • communication. See relationships
  • communities
    • community campuses as workspace
    • learning in
    • relationships with
    • sense of community in workspaces
  • Connect+Develop (Procter & Gamble)
  • consistency, of leaders
  • content curation, for learning
  • Cook, Tim
  • Cooke, Rob
  • corporate social responsibility (CSR)
  • Cowell, Simon
  • credentials, for learning
  • C-Suite, leadership and
  • cubicle farms, replacing
  • Cultivate: The Power of Working Relationships (Barrett)
  • cultural issues
  • Cultural Transformations (Mattone)
  • curiosity
  • customers
    • change and
    • experience of
    • technology and demand of
    • workplace culture and
  • cybercrime, cost of


  • Deep Blue (IBM)
  • Dell EMC
  • Deloitte
  • demographics
  • Derezin, Mike
  • design. See workspace design
  • development, of subordinates
  • digitization
    • big data
    • change needed for future-proof workplace
    • See also technology
  • disruption. See change
  • diversity and inclusion
    • action needed for
    • bias issues
    • change needed for future-proof workplace
    • empathy and
    • future-proofing career with
    • future-proofing company with
    • initiating change for inclusion
    • in leadership roles
    • neuroscience issues of
    • overview
    • population shift in U.S.
    • stereotyping and
  • Donne, John
  • Drucker, Peter


  • Economist
  • Ellis, Greg
  • e-mail
  • emotional connections
    • brain and unconscious bias
    • importance of
    • purpose and
    • unconscious bias
  • empathy
  • employers, relationships with
  • energy sector, growth of
  • equal pay
  • Eurovision Song Contest
  • Explore, Experiment, Execute (three Es)



  • Gandhi, Mahatma
  • GE Capital
  • gender
  • General Electric (GE)
  • General Motors (GM)
  • Genpact, LLC
  • Gibran, Khalil
  • Gibson, William
  • gig economy. See flexible workforce
  • Gladstone, William Ewart
  • “glass ceiling”
  • Glassdoor
  • globalization
    • change needed for future-proof workplace
    • relationship with culture
    • work relationships and
  • Goldsmith, Marshall
  • Google
  • government, impact of technology on
  • Gratton, Lynda
  • Great Britain
    • higher education in United Kingdom
    • “The Knowledge” (test for London taxi drivers)
    • women in leadership roles
  • greed, leadership and


  • Hamptonality (Hampton Inns)
  • Harley, William
  • Harvard Business Review
  • Harvard University
  • Harvey Nash
  • higher education
    • nanodegree approach to
    • traditional approach to
  • high-potential (HIPO) workers
  • hiring practices. See diversity and inclusion
  • Hoffman, Reid
  • Hubble Space Telescope (NASA)
  • human resources
    • change and
    • development of subordinates
    • employees and purpose
    • flexible workforce
    • jobs and
    • learning and hiring practices
    • modernizing people and processes
    • performance management
    • providing learning opportunities for
    • relationships and
    • technology and
    • See also diversity and inclusion; learning; relationships; workplace culture


  • IBM
  • “I” education
  • Implicit Association Test (Harvard University)
  • Inc. magazine
  • inclusion. See diversity and inclusion
  • Industrial Revolution(s)
  • innovation
    • leadership and
    • workplace culture and
  • inspiration, purpose and
  • Internet
    • digitization and freelance economy
    • Internet of Things
    • social networking compared to networking
  • iPhone 7 (Apple)


  • Japan, globalization and
  • jobs
    • automation of
    • career change
    • career lattice
    • digitization and change to
    • skills for (See learning)
    • See also flexible workforce; human resources
  • journals, for learning
  • Joy Inc. (Sheriden)
  • Jung, Carl


  • Kaizen
  • Keane, Margaret M.
  • Kellogg School of Management (Northwestern University)
  • Kelly Global Workforce Index 2013
  • Khan Academy
  • Kleinert, Jared
  • “Knowledge, The” (British test for London Taxi drivers)
  • knowledge acquisition
  • knowledge management, for learning
  • Kodak
  • Koushik, Srini
  • Kouzes, Jim
  • Kraemer, Harry


  • leadership
    • change needed for future-proof workplace
    • “command and control” style of
    • consequences of
    • decision to lead
    • defining values for
    • developing
    • disruption and
    • diversity and inclusion in
    • future-proofing career with
    • future-proofing company with
    • greed and
    • leaders with heart
    • overview
    • personal values and company values for
    • privilege of
    • self-focused
    • for talent management
    • in twenty-first century
    • for workplace culture
  • Leadership Challenge, The (Kouzes)
  • Leading with Noble Purpose (McLeod)
  • Lean Six Sigma
  • learning
    • agile approach to
    • in communities of learners
    • content curation and knowledge management for
    • curiosity for
    • future-proofing career with
    • future-proofing company with
    • global learning mind-set for
    • hiring practices and
    • motivation for
    • nanodegree approach to
    • overview
    • providers of
    • rewriting training policies for
    • self-learning and online learning
    • soft skills for
    • team-based approach for performance
    • “T” learners and
    • traditional higher-education approach to
    • training budgets and
    • by young managers
  • Lechner, Anat
  • leisure time/activities
    • concept of
    • need for
    • in office
  • Libet, Benjamin
  • lifespan
  • lifestyle and work interconnection
  • LinkedIn
  • Little Round Top, battle of (Civil War)
  • London Business School
  • Luddites
  • Lyft


  • Magellan Health
  • “managing out”
  • Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)
  • Mattone, John
  • McDonald, Bob
  • McDonald's
  • McFarland, Walter
  • McGrath, Rita
  • McLeod, Lisa
  • measurement, of workplace culture
  • Menlo Innovations
  • mentors
  • MGM International
  • Millennials
    • career lattice of
    • use of e-mail by
    • in workplace
  • mission statements, purpose statements versus
  • Moore's Law
  • motivation, for learning
  • Mulallyy, Allen
  • Murren, Jim
  • Mylan


  • nanodegrees
  • NASA
  • Netflix
  • networking
  • New York University
  • Northwestern University



  • passion, of leaders
  • pension plans
  • people of color, in leadership roles
  • perception, for leadership
  • performance management
  • personal relationships. See relationships
  • pets, in offices
  • physical activity, while working
  • Pink, Dan
  • planning, for future-proof workplace
  • population shift, in U.S.
  • prejudice. See bias
  • privacy, in workspace
  • privilege, leadership as
  • Procter & Gamble
  • psychological contracts, with employers
  • purpose
    • of employees
    • future-proofing career with
    • future-proofing company with
    • importance of purpose statement
    • inspiration and
    • mission and vision statements versus
    • navigating change with
    • overview
    • power of
    • purpose-driven dimension of leadership
    • values and


  • Qubein, Nido R.


  • Razi, Nazneen
  • RBL Group
  • REA Group
  • reinvention, workplace culture and
  • relationships
    • balancing needs of
    • career lattice and
    • change needed for future-proof workplace
    • changing
    • with colleagues
    • with communities,(See also communities)
    • with cultures
    • with employers
    • future-proofing career with
    • future-proofing company with
    • overview
    • revising ideas about work
    • with work
    • See also customers
  • response time, to technology
  • retirement
  • RIM (Blackberry Limited)
  • robots
    • artificial intelligence (AI)
    • digitization and change to workplace


  • Saudi Aramco
  • scarcity, value driven by
  • Schurenberg, Eric
  • self-focused leadership
  • shared workspaces
  • Sharkey, Linda
    • at ASHRM (Dubai)
    • career background of
    • on change
    • Winning with Transglobal Leadership (Sharkey, Razi, Barge, Cooke)
  • Sheridan, Rich
  • SkyeTeam
  • social networking, networking compared to
  • soft skills
  • Sony Pictures
  • Southwest Airlines
  • Spencer Stuart
  • Star Trek: The Next Generation (television show)
  • stereotyping
  • Stern School of Business (New York University)
  • StickerGiant
  • stress reduction, workspace design for
  • Sunday Reset Project (Zappos)
  • Synchrony Financial


  • talent management. See human resources
  • Tanfeeth
  • teamwork
    • leadership and
    • team-based approach to learning and performance
    • team building
    • workspace for collaboration,(See also workspace design)
  • technology
    • artificial intelligence (AI)
    • big data
    • for change
    • for collaboration
    • as disrupter and enabler
    • expectations for
    • flexible workforce and
    • future-proofing career with
    • future-proofing company with
    • for future-proof workspace
    • impact of
    • keeping pace with
    • overview
    • personal impact from
    • simplifying work and
    • T-shaped learning about
    • workforce of future and
    • work relationships and,(See also relationships)
  • Thoen, Chris
  • 3-D printing
  • three Es (Explore, Experiment, Execute)
  • “T” learners
  • Toffler, Alvin
  • training policies, rewriting
  • transparency, of technology
  • Twitter NeighborNest
  • 2 Billion Under 22 (Kleinert, Ferreira)
  • “2026 Global Human Capital Trends” (Deloitte)
  • Tyagarajan, NV “Tiger”


  • Uber
  • Udacity
  • Ulrich, Dave
  • unconscious bias
  • Undercover Boss (television show)
  • United Kingdom, higher education in, See also Great Britain
  • University of Michigan


  • values
    • assessing
    • clarity of, for leadership
    • defining
    • encouraging leadership with
    • personal values and company values for leadership
    • purpose and
    • workplace culture and
  • vision statements, purpose statements versus
  • Vistaprint
  • Volkswagen


  • Wall Street Journal
  • Warren, Elizabeth
  • water coolers/watering holes concept
  • weekends, concept of
  • wellness, designing workspaces for
  • Wells Fargo
  • Welsh, Jack
  • Windmill Human Performance
  • Winning with Transglobal Leadership (Sharkey, Razi, Barge, Cooke)
  • Woodward, Sir Clive
  • work, defining
  • work and lifestyle interconnection
  • workplace culture
    • building culture of learning
    • creating success with
    • customers and
    • demonstrating leadership for
    • evolution of
    • future-proofing career with
    • future-proofing company with
    • importance of
    • investing in
    • making choices about
    • overview
    • reflecting, for change
    • understanding
    • values and
  • work skills. See learning
  • workspace design
    • for collaboration
    • designing for wellness
    • future-proofing career with
    • future-proofing company with
    • overview
    • reflecting workplace culture for
    • sense of community in
    • shared workspaces
    • social and environmental responsibility
    • technology for
    • transformation for
  • World Economic Forum
  • Wynn, Jackie Mitchell


  • Yu, Matthew


  • Zappos
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