2.6 Packages and Files

Packages in Go serve the same purposes as libraries or modules in other languages, supporting modularity, encapsulation, separate compilation, and reuse. The source code for a package resides in one or more .go files, usually in a directory whose name ends with the import path; for instance, the files of the gopl.io/ch1/helloworld package are stored in directory $GOPATH/src/gopl.io/ch1/helloworld.

Each package serves as a separate name space for its declarations. Within the image package, for example, the identifier Decode refers to a different function than does the same identifier in the unicode/utf16 package. To refer to a function from outside its package, we must qualify the identifier to make explicit whether we mean image.Decode or utf16.Decode.

Packages also let us hide information by controlling which names are visible outside the package, or exported. In Go, a simple rule governs which identifiers are exported and which are not: exported identifiers start with an upper-case letter.

To illustrate the basics, suppose that our temperature conversion software has become popular and we want to make it available to the Go community as a new package. How do we do that?

Let’s create a package called gopl.io/ch2/tempconv, a variation on the previous example. (Here we’ve made an exception to our usual rule of numbering examples in sequence, so that the package path can be more realistic.) The package itself is stored in two files to show how declarations in separate files of a package are accessed; in real life, a tiny package like this would need only one file.

We have put the declarations of the types, their constants, and their methods in tempconv.go:

// Package tempconv performs Celsius and Fahrenheit conversions.
package tempconv

import "fmt"

type Celsius float64
type Fahrenheit float64

const (
    AbsoluteZeroC Celsius = -273.15
    FreezingC     Celsius = 0
    BoilingC      Celsius = 100

func (c Celsius) String() string    { return fmt.Sprintf("%g°C", c) }
func (f Fahrenheit) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf("%g°F", f) }

and the conversion functions in conv.go:

package tempconv

// CToF converts a Celsius temperature to Fahrenheit.
func CToF(c Celsius) Fahrenheit { return Fahrenheit(c*9/5 + 32) }

// FToC converts a Fahrenheit temperature to Celsius.
func FToC(f Fahrenheit) Celsius { return Celsius((f - 32) * 5 / 9) }

Each file starts with a package declaration that defines the package name. When the package is imported, its members are referred to as tempconv.CToF and so on. Package-level names like the types and constants declared in one file of a package are visible to all the other files of the package, as if the source code were all in a single file. Note that tempconv.go imports fmt, but conv.go does not, because it does not use anything from fmt.

Because the package-level const names begin with upper-case letters, they too are accessible with qualified names like tempconv.AbsoluteZeroC:

fmt.Printf("Brrrr! %v
", tempconv.AbsoluteZeroC) // "Brrrr! -273.15°C"

To convert a Celsius temperature to Fahrenheit in a package that imports gopl.io/ch2/tempconv, we can write the following code:

fmt.Println(tempconv.CToF(tempconv.BoilingC)) // "212°F"

The doc comment (§10.7.4) immediately preceding the package declaration documents the package as a whole. Conventionally, it should start with a summary sentence in the style illustrated. Only one file in each package should have a package doc comment. Extensive doc comments are often placed in a file of their own, conventionally called doc.go.

Exercise 2.1: Add types, constants, and functions to tempconv for processing temperatures in the Kelvin scale, where zero Kelvin is −273.15°C and a difference of 1K has the same magnitude as 1°C.

2.6.1 Imports

Within a Go program, every package is identified by a unique string called its import path. These are the strings that appear in an import declaration like "gopl.io/ch2/tempconv". The language specification doesn’t define where these strings come from or what they mean; it’s up to the tools to interpret them. When using the go tool (Chapter 10), an import path denotes a directory containing one or more Go source files that together make up the package.

In addition to its import path, each package has a package name, which is the short (and not necessarily unique) name that appears in its package declaration. By convention, a package’s name matches the last segment of its import path, making it easy to predict that the package name of gopl.io/ch2/tempconv is tempconv.

To use gopl.io/ch2/tempconv, we must import it:

// Cf converts its numeric argument to Celsius and Fahrenheit.
package main

import (


func main() {
    for _, arg := range os.Args[1:] {
        t, err := strconv.ParseFloat(arg, 64)
        if err != nil {
            fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "cf: %v
", err)
        f := tempconv.Fahrenheit(t)
        c := tempconv.Celsius(t)
        fmt.Printf("%s = %s, %s = %s
            f, tempconv.FToC(f), c, tempconv.CToF(c))

The import declaration binds a short name to the imported package that may be used to refer to its contents throughout the file. The import above lets us refer to names within gopl.io/ch2/tempconv by using a qualified identifier like tempconv.CToF. By default, the short name is the package name—tempconv in this case—but an import declaration may specify an alternative name to avoid a conflict (§10.3).

The cf program converts a single numeric command-line argument to its value in both Celsius and Fahrenheit:

$ go build gopl.io/ch2/cf
$ ./cf 32
32°F = 0°C, 32°C = 89.6°F
$ ./cf 212
212°F = 100°C, 212°C = 413.6°F
$ ./cf -40
-40°F = -40°C, -40°C = -40°F

It is an error to import a package and then not refer to it. This check helps eliminate dependencies that become unnecessary as the code evolves, although it can be a nuisance during debugging, since commenting out a line of code like log.Print("got here!") may remove the sole reference to the package name log, causing the compiler to emit an error. In this situation, you need to comment out or delete the unnecessary import.

Better still, use the golang.org/x/tools/cmd/goimports tool, which automatically inserts and removes packages from the import declaration as necessary; most editors can be configured to run goimports each time you save a file. Like the gofmt tool, it also pretty-prints Go source files in the canonical format.

Exercise 2.2: Write a general-purpose unit-conversion program analogous to cf that reads numbers from its command-line arguments or from the standard input if there are no arguments, and converts each number into units like temperature in Celsius and Fahrenheit, length in feet and meters, weight in pounds and kilograms, and the like.

2.6.2 Package Initialization

Package initialization begins by initializing package-level variables in the order in which they are declared, except that dependencies are resolved first:

var a = b + c     // a initialized third, to 3
var b = f()       // b initialized second, to 2, by calling f
var c = 1         // c initialized first, to 1

func f() int { return c + 1 }

If the package has multiple .go files, they are initialized in the order in which the files are given to the compiler; the go tool sorts .go files by name before invoking the compiler.

Each variable declared at package level starts life with the value of its initializer expression, if any, but for some variables, like tables of data, an initializer expression may not be the simplest way to set its initial value. In that case, the init function mechanism may be simpler. Any file may contain any number of functions whose declaration is just

func init() { /* ... */ }

Such init functions can’t be called or referenced, but otherwise they are normal functions. Within each file, init functions are automatically executed when the program starts, in the order in which they are declared.

One package is initialized at a time, in the order of imports in the program, dependencies first, so a package p importing q can be sure that q is fully initialized before p’s initialization begins. Initialization proceeds from the bottom up; the main package is the last to be initialized. In this manner, all packages are fully initialized before the application’s main function begins.

The package below defines a function PopCount that returns the number of set bits, that is, bits whose value is 1, in a uint64 value, which is called its population count. It uses an init function to precompute a table of results, pc, for each possible 8-bit value so that the PopCount function needn’t take 64 steps but can just return the sum of eight table lookups. (This is definitely not the fastest algorithm for counting bits, but it’s convenient for illustrating init functions, and for showing how to precompute a table of values, which is often a useful programming technique.)

package popcount

// pc[i] is the population count of i.
var pc [256]byte

func init() {
    for i := range pc {
        pc[i] = pc[i/2] + byte(i&1)

// PopCount returns the population count (number of set bits) of x.
func PopCount(x uint64) int {
    return int(pc[byte(x>>(0*8))] +
        pc[byte(x>>(1*8))] +
        pc[byte(x>>(2*8))] +
        pc[byte(x>>(3*8))] +
        pc[byte(x>>(4*8))] +
        pc[byte(x>>(5*8))] +
        pc[byte(x>>(6*8))] +

Note that the range loop in init uses only the index; the value is unnecessary and thus need not be included. The loop could also have been written as

for i, _ := range pc {

We’ll see other uses of init functions in the next section and in Section 10.5.

Exercise 2.3: Rewrite PopCount to use a loop instead of a single expression. Compare the performance of the two versions. (Section 11.4 shows how to compare the performance of different implementations systematically.)

Exercise 2.4: Write a version of PopCount that counts bits by shifting its argument through 64 bit positions, testing the rightmost bit each time. Compare its performance to the table-lookup version.

Exercise 2.5: The expression x&(x-1) clears the rightmost non-zero bit of x. Write a version of PopCount that counts bits by using this fact, and assess its performance.

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