7.4 Parsing Flags with flag.Value

In this section, we’ll see how another standard interface, flag.Value, helps us define new notations for command-line flags. Consider the program below, which sleeps for a specified period of time.

var period = flag.Duration("period", 1*time.Second, "sleep period")

func main() {
    fmt.Printf("Sleeping for %v...", *period)

Before it goes to sleep it prints the time period. The fmt package calls the time.Duration’s String method to print the period not as a number of nanoseconds, but in a user-friendly notation:

$ go build gopl.io/ch7/sleep
$ ./sleep
Sleeping for 1s...

By default, the sleep period is one second, but it can be controlled through the -period command-line flag. The flag.Duration function creates a flag variable of type time.Duration and allows the user to specify the duration in a variety of user-friendly formats, including the same notation printed by the String method. This symmetry of design leads to a nice user interface.

$ ./sleep -period 50ms
Sleeping for 50ms...
$ ./sleep -period 2m30s
Sleeping for 2m30s...
$ ./sleep -period 1.5h
Sleeping for 1h30m0s...
$ ./sleep -period "1 day"
invalid value "1 day" for flag -period: time: invalid duration 1 day

Because duration-valued flags are so useful, this feature is built into the flag package, but it’s easy to define new flag notations for our own data types. We need only define a type that satisfies the flag.Value interface, whose declaration is below:

package flag

// Value is the interface to the value stored in a flag.
type Value interface {
    String() string
    Set(string) error

The String method formats the flag’s value for use in command-line help messages; thus every flag.Value is also a fmt.Stringer. The Set method parses its string argument and updates the flag value. In effect, the Set method is the inverse of the String method, and it is good practice for them to use the same notation.

Let’s define a celsiusFlag type that allows a temperature to be specified in Celsius, or in Fahrenheit with an appropriate conversion. Notice that celsiusFlag embeds a Celsius (§2.5), thereby getting a String method for free. To satisfy flag.Value, we need only declare the Set method:

// *celsiusFlag satisfies the flag.Value interface.
type celsiusFlag struct{ Celsius }

func (f *celsiusFlag) Set(s string) error {
    var unit string
    var value float64
    fmt.Sscanf(s, "%f%s", &value, &unit) // no error check needed
    switch unit {
    case "C", "°C":
        f.Celsius = Celsius(value)
        return nil
    case "F", "°F":
        f.Celsius = FToC(Fahrenheit(value))
        return nil
    return fmt.Errorf("invalid temperature %q", s)

The call to fmt.Sscanf parses a floating-point number (value) and a string (unit) from the input s. Although one must usually check Sscanf’s error result, in this case we don’t need to because if there was a problem, no switch case will match.

The CelsiusFlag function below wraps it all up. To the caller, it returns a pointer to the Celsius field embedded within the celsiusFlag variable f. The Celsius field is the variable that will be updated by the Set method during flags processing. The call to Var adds the flag to the application’s set of command-line flags, the global variable flag.CommandLine. Programs with unusually complex command-line interfaces may have several variables of this type. The call to Var assigns a *celsiusFlag argument to a flag.Value parameter, causing the compiler to check that *celsiusFlag has the necessary methods.

// CelsiusFlag defines a Celsius flag with the specified name,
// default value, and usage, and returns the address of the flag variable.
// The flag argument must have a quantity and a unit, e.g., "100C".
func CelsiusFlag(name string, value Celsius, usage string) *Celsius {
    f := celsiusFlag{value}
    flag.CommandLine.Var(&f, name, usage)
    return &f.Celsius

Now we can start using the new flag in our programs:

var temp = tempconv.CelsiusFlag("temp", 20.0, "the temperature")

func main() {

Here’s a typical session:

$ go build gopl.io/ch7/tempflag
$ ./tempflag
$ ./tempflag -temp -18C
$ ./tempflag -temp 212°F
$ ./tempflag -temp 273.15K
invalid value "273.15K" for flag -temp: invalid temperature "273.15K"
Usage of ./tempflag:
  -temp value
        the temperature (default 20°C)
$ ./tempflag -help
Usage of ./tempflag:
  -temp value
        the temperature (default 20°C)

Exercise 7.6: Add support for Kelvin temperatures to tempflag.

Exercise 7.7: Explain why the help message contains °C when the default value of 20.0 does not.

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